Chapter One: We Made our plight

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" Lynn Elizabeth Carver!" my uncle yelled from downstairs, " You get your ass down here!" he had just got home and gotten a lovely report from my aunt about the behavior i showed at my college interveiw today, lets just say he was not pleased. I did my best to ignore the loud obnoxious yelling as i got ready to leave, where was i going? I didnt even know at the time, at this point i just wanted to get out.

I pulled on my black hoodie and shoves some clothes into my duffle bag, then tied the sheets together to make and escape rope out., and finally pulled on my black converse hightops, tieing them nervously. Ok dont judge I know running away is a very shit decision but it is unbearable to stay, I know I wasn't even eighteen yet and wouldnt be for another eight montes, but i couldn't handle the abuse. Before I had time to get all my things together I heard my relatively pissed off uncle stomp up the stairs, i quickly slammed the bedroom door shut and locked it placing some furniture up against the door aswell. Throwing the bag and the sheet rope out the window I quickly climbed down the secound story window out onto the back lawn and made a run for it. i could hear my uncle yelling for me ... it sent shivers down my spine to hear the rage in his voice.

I didn't get into town until about 7 o'clock , I was alone on the streets of the windy city Chicagio. once in the big city i swamped the sim card out of my phone replacing it with a new one i had bought a few days earlier. Knowing my uncle he would probably be tracking my phone so it was beter to get ride of the information on the number he had. I pulled my duffle bag higher onto my shoulder asmore as I continued to walk down the street, small tears formed in my eyes as it dawned on me i couldn't go home uncle would probably beat the shit out of me , probably knock me unconcious again. As walked I saw a nearby convenience store, I need a smoke. I sighed before heading into the store heading straight for a lighter and walking to the regeister.

" Can I get a pack of Malboro?'' I said akwardly.

The Cashier gave me an odd look "ID?" he asked in a rather rude tone may I add, but i realized . I was only Seventeen i couldn't technically get cigarettes on my own ....SHIT! I thought as I let out a loud sigh.

" These are apart of my stuff." A deep voice pitched in as he put his I.D. on the counter , he stood behind me so i didnt see who it was, he set his hand on my shoulder.

The cashier gave a fake smile and got to packs of Malboro and two lighters and rang it up " That will be $12.50 SIR..." The man standing behind me chuckled and handed the cashier the money before leading me out of the store cigarettes in hand.

" Th-Thanks....'' I muttered before turning around and faceing the kind stranger, and boy the shock i recevied. There in front of me was Andrew Dennis Biersack! Lead singer of Black Veil Brides ! My jaw hit the floor as i literally had not words to explain how much i wanted to fangirl right then. He seemed to take notice of my state of shock because he pat me head gently before handing me a pack of cigarettes. " Here ." he smiled a warm sexy as fucking hell smile, at this point I am still in shock as I take the box of cigarettes but quickly force myself out of my love struck daze.

" No problem." he smiled

" You And Biersack..." I whispered .

He chuckled and nodded " Yeah that would be me ...." He looked at me his Bright blue eyes stared into my emerlad green eyes, " WHat are you doing outhere by yourself?" he suddenly asked looking worried, he must have noticed my duffle bag.

I bit my lip and sighed, I couldn't tell him i ran away he'd probably tell me to go home, but I also couldn't lie to him..... " I was kicked out of my house ..." I muttered looking down at my shoes. OK I kinda lied but my uncle had threatened to kick me out of the house before so Its not tecinchally lieing right?

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