Ch3: Its ours tonight

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Lynn's POV

We walked across the lot and over to where AA said they would have their party, Andy took my hand in his as we walked we both already could tell everyone was wasted. Danny walked straight up to Andy and grinned drunkenly ," Hey beersaaaack.... You ready to get shatfaced! " he chuckled and grabbed Andy, " exqueaze me Lynny ! I end to borrow Andrew for a moment ! " he dragged Andy away and I laughed. I wandered around for a while before I was stopped by an beautiful woman with bright pink hair.

" Hey you Biersack's new girl right?" Her voice actually sounded lower than a woman's more masculine. Then it hit me .

"My god your Jeffree Star!" I gasped and she just chuckled.

" yes and your Lynn right?" She smiled and held out her hand "Sammi and Andy have talked so much about you."

I quickly took her hand and a shook it with a smile," It's nice to meet you." Jeffree and I continued to chat and drink throughout the night, Our talks slowly turned to mumbles and bizarre laughing as we got drunker and drunker. By the time it was time to leave I was shit faced, Andy came up and he seemed sober surprisingly, looking at him I smiled " I like this party we ..... Wee neeeedd to g-go to more of em .......ya."

Andy laughed ," Your fucking wasted!" He gently picked me up and looked at Jeffree who was just as drunk as I was, " I am going to take her back to the bus." He said before walking off with me in it arms.

" You better fuckin text me Lynny!" Jeffree yelled as she got out of sight .

Andy and I made it to the bus and he set me on the couch, " Your gonna hate me tomorrow." He laughed and I looked at him confused, "Andy I can't hate you..... You saved my life .... " I mumbled out and he looked at me shocked. " You didn't leave me on the side of the road ...... You took me with you .... Away from my home ..... Saved me from the mean man." I smiled drunkenly ," I love you for it Andy , your my batman!"

He smiled sadly and ruffled my hair, " Thanks kid your a real sweet ."

I kissed his lips and smiled," Batman ...."

Andy froze and just pat my head, " you need sleep Lynn ..... Rest here for tonight ." He got up and got me his batman blanket before covering me with it and leaving for the bunk room.

My eyes slowly drifted and I fell asleep.....


Andy's POV

I walked back to the bunk and I touch my lips, I couldn't explain what I was feeling but I decided to shake it off. Looking back over at Lynn's sleeping form, she seemed so peaceful. I smiled softly and laid down in my bunk.

In the morning I was awoken with a load thud followed by a groan, I got up and walked over to see Lynn on the floor along with the rest of the guys, I chuckled and helped Lynn up." You ok Lynn,"

She looked up at me," Biersack...... My head hurts."

I chuckled,"Ya, you had a lot to drink last night." I said softly and helped her off the floor and into the kitchen, " Don't worry i have the best cure for hangovers." I grinned and grabbed tomato juice and vodka.

"Your gonna make me a Bloody Mary?" Lynn spoke up groggily, I nodded and she just became quiet after a bit.

After I nursed Lynn back to health I went and woke up the guys we would be in LA soon so we needed to get up and ready for today since unlike yesterday we had an earlier show. I kicked Jinxx awake and he proceeded to help me walk up the others .


Lynn's POV

As the boys slowly got up and ready I tended to hangover, it wasn't terrible and it was gone within a couple hours due to 'Andy's Bloody Mary Cure' , after my hangover was gone I got dressed and ready for today. Sammi and I had decided to grab some lunch and then look around the venue, we were heading to see falling in reverse when Sammi pulled me aside . " Lynn ......can I ask you to keep something quite? " I slowly nodded my head and hoped Jinxx hadn't told her anything.

" Ok so you know Juliet Simms?" She asked which almost made me sigh in relief , but I nodded.

"Isn't she Andy's ex?" Sammi nodded and I continued to listen,

" Well she saw Andy carry you off last night and let's just say she is not happy with you...... She was asking about you with some of the other bands but they kept quiet because no one really cares for her right now after what she did to Andy ..."she rambled a bit before she came back to the topic at hand, "Anyways Lynn, I don't want you going near her. Thought I should warn you in advance."

I nodded before asking, " What did she do to Andy?"

Sammi bit her lip, "Promise you won't tell Andy I told you?"

I nodded and she leaned in, "The night of their six month anniversary, Andy came home and found Juliet in bed with Oliver Sykes. Apparently she and Oli had been seeing each other on the side for about two months."

I frowned , we continues to walk and talk until it was time to go back to the bus to check on the guys. They were all hot sweaty and the bus smelt awful! Andy came up from behind and hugged me, " Hey Lynn ." He whispered in my ear causing me to shiver and blush. He chuckled and let go I turned around and there in my sight was HALF NAKED. ANDY. FUCKING. BIERSACK!

I think I have died and gone to heaven.

He crossed his arms and smirked ,"Take a picture it will last longer."

My eyes were wide and I blushed a crimson red color which the boys got a kick out of,Sammi covered my eyes and looked at Andy . " Quite teasing her Andy !"

This trip just kept laughing surprises at me!





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