Doom of the white city

Start from the beginning

I followed him but I stayed out of his sight for the first few weeks, still frightened. I had gotten my dagger back. I eventually learned to trust him and I travailed with him for many years.


I reached Gandalf's door and knocked twice. He opened the door and a smile graced his lips as he saw me. " Hello Gandalf." I smiled. " I need you to take care of someone for a bit." I said moving Neo out where Gandalf could see him. His smile widened as his blue eyes met the boys green eyes. " Gandalf this is Neo, Neo this is Gandalf." I said ushering Neo into Gandalf's room. Gandalf turned to me. " And where will you be going." His bushy eye brows raised on his wrinkled forehead. I smiled. " I will be back in a bit." Then I left silent like a shadow, with out answering his question.

The pathways of helms deep were busy and loud. People filled them going about their business. It took about an hours worth of asking around but I finally found myself in front of a door that Neo's father would be behind. I knocked three times awaiting a response. The door flew open and Neo's father appeared in the entrance. His hair looked disheveled and his eyes were blood shot. " Good morning." I started. He glared at me. " You may have noticed your son was missing." I continued.

" And I ain't wanting him back!" He slurred. His voice was ruff and his hot breath smelled strongly of ale. He slammed the door shut again and I was left stunned and utterly wordless in front of the door. This man was no father, he was a monster.

As I approached Gandalf's room I could hear giggles and a deep laughter. But the laughter was not Gandalf's old warm laughter, but a deep ruff laugh. I opened the door to see Leverin playing with Neo. Leverin looked up an his gold eyes flashed as they met my purple eyes. I smirked at him. " Children?" I asked thinking back to our conversation yesterday. He smiled a big warm smile that reached his eyes.

" You got me." Leverin laughed. Neo jumped up and ran over to me and tackled me in a hug. I smiled and returned the hug.

" Where is Gandalf." I asked my brow furrowing.

" He was asked to some meeting that we were not asked to come to, because you can't trust the word of a dragon." Leverin rolled his eyes. I frowned and as my lips curved down Leverins face mirrored mine. " Why did that bother you so much?" He asked. I flinched, I knew he asked out of concern for me but it was still a very personal question.

" Hey Neo, why don't you go play outside for a bit." I said smiling at him. He smiled and nodded running out of the room. I let out a sigh that I didn't know I was holding.

Leverin sat down on the edge of Gandalf's lumpy bed. He patted the spot beside him flicking his short golden ponytail behind his broad shoulder. I sat down on the bed. We were both staring at the floor of the room. It was quiet, awkwardly so. I was unsure of how to start, it was a hard story to tell.

" When I was eight," My voice was soft and my eyes moved along the ground. " My mother and I had been living in a cave. One day my mother came and brought me to a hidden cavern in the back if the cave. I was just able to slide though the crack in elf form. She made me give her my word that I would not come out or make a sound until the sun rose the next day. I have my word to her but I didn't understand what was happening until it was to late. An army of men came, I could see it all happen through the crack in my cave. I watched as my mother fought and then I watched as she died." My voice trailed off as a tear leaked from my eye. I took a deep breath. " They took her scales to sell because they could ward off some magic and her teeth and claws as souvenirs of their victory." I spat bitterly. " I mourned over her body for a whole but eventually I had to leave, after that I was on my own." I finished.

Leverin was silent for a few moments, then his soft voice filled the room. " I'm sorry." That was all he said, but it meant so much to him and to me, it said so many things. We sat there for a while longer in silence each pondering all that had been said.

The silence was broken as Legolas's voice filled my mind. Anastasia! It startled me. Yes? I responded. Come to the stables! We march for Isengard Was all he said and then he was gone. I looked at Leverin and by the look on his face I could tell he had gotten a similar message from Fallen.


We reached the stables, Neo and one of the fastest messengers Rohan had to offer in tow. We burst in and the messenger jumped on a light brown horse and looked at Neo expectantly. Neo looked up at me eyes wild with fear. " I want to come with you!" He said tears filling his eyes.

" No," I said sternly closing my eyes. " The safest place you can be right now is Rivendale."

Tears started to pour from Neo's emerald eyes. " B-but what if you don't come back." It tore me to shreds.

I knelt down and pulled him into a tight hug. " I promise you. I will come back." I spoke into his ear. He let out a heart wrenching sob as I pulled away and lifted him up onto the horse in front of the messenger. " Be brave." I whispered and then they were gone leaving me in the stables heading off to war.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. " He will be safe with the elves." I turned to see Aragorn clutching a pendent at his deep brown eyes looking as if he were in another world. I nodded and moved off to my horse.

That was a long chapter! I expect some thank yous from a few certain people. You know who you are. :P Well I am hoping to have another chapter out by the end if October. Have a lovely day all! Bye!

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