✣ chapter six ✣

Start from the beginning

King Renyld smiled nervously, the way a child whose been caught sneaking dessert before dinner might as they try to generate an excuse. "The majority of our subjects accept you, it is only a small minority that do not see your marriage as valid."

"I'm not surprised."

"Actually, you should be." He corrected. "Our nation has always had a diverse composition. Thus, we're more welcoming to outsiders than our counterparts. In fact, there were many protests against colonization, and many celebrations once the alliance was confirmed."

As he spoke, I realized that I was engaging directly with the man who tried to colonize my nation. This man, who spoke of diversity as if he was a champion of it, even though we both knew if not for Mereti's formidable army, he would have invaded without a moment's hesitation. He would have ignored the protests of his people, valuing Mereti's immense resources over public perception. And I would still be in my Kingdom, but a Kingdom that was embroiled in a brutal battle for autonomy.

As he spoke, I understood why my mother and father were so desperate to protect Mereti from his nation's resource-hungry agenda, but I still couldn't understand why marriage had to be part of their solution. Bearing an heir didn't prevent a war any better than a well-equipped army did.

"Outsiders," I reiterated blankly.

"What I mean to say is that most of the Kingdom accepts you as Princess. However, to appease those that don't, it would be a good investment to learn Aranian culture."

I sighed. I had certainly heard this lecture before. Recurrently. "I understand, I will try my best to improve."

King Renyld was deeply pleased by my acquiescence, but he didn't know that I would have brushed up on my Nechi culture regardless of this meeting. If I didn't, Prince Flynd would make sure the entire castle knew I refused to room with him.

Once I was released, I decided to find Prince Flynd and coax a culture lesson from him. I had some spare time before my duties as the future Queen of Arania whisked me away. Hopefully, I could find him quickly before I had to attend my dance lessons and dress fittings for the Banquet.

I searched all the places I knew of, which were few, before finally asking a nosy maidservant who carried a basket of worn clothing.

"The palace schedule is posted in the royal offices daily," She huffed. "But he should be in a horse-riding lesson in the gardens."

After the maid gave me an irritated explanation of the gardens' location, I found myself outside, squally winds blowing by my face and the grey Aranian skies hanging over my head like an omen. In contrast to the solemnity of the weather were the arrays of vibrant flowers blossoming in the gardens.

I strolled down a walkway with border hedges that towered over me like walls of green leaves. The path led into an empty plaza. Save for two men engaged in an intense sword fight.

As I got closer, I could tell one was Prince Flynd, but I couldn't identify the other because his back was facing me. Neither man was wearing armor which alarmed me until I realized their "blades" were made of harmless wood.

"Flynd!" I shouted to get his attention, though I immediately regretted it.

"What—" Flynd was briefly distracted and his opponent used the opportunity to stab him in the stomach. With a low groan, Flynd crashed to the floor.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I apologized as I made my way to the scene. "I shouldn't have done that!"

The prince's opponent grabbed his arm and pulled him to standing position. "Good brawl, Your Highness."

Prince Flynd scowled at me before turning back to his challenger. "Not really, I was distracted."

"Distractions are the real world, you ought to get used to them."

The prince shrugged, but a small smile hinted at the corner of his lips. "What are you doing here, Ayan?"

They both faced me, and I realized that I did not recognize Prince Flynd's opponent. Though, his serious expression and wavy, brown hair gave them a similar appearance. I might have mistaken the two for siblings if not for their varying skin tones.

"I came to ask if you could...tutor me..." I trailed.

"Good morning, Princess Ayan," The challenger greeted, approaching me. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He held my hand and kissed it.

Flustered and unsure of what to do, I laughed nervously. "L-Likewise? Err...what is your name?"

"Sir Lorcan, Your Highness." He answered, letting go of my hand.

"Anyway, Sir Lorcan, I ought to help my wife now." Prince Flynd interjected. "Thank you for practicing with me this morning."

Prince Flynd led us away, pressing me forward by the small of my back. "I know how to walk on my own." I grumbled.

"I know, but I would prefer if Sir Lorcan didn't get the chance to get to know you."

I looked back to make sure Sir Lorcan couldn't hear us. He was still in the plaza, inspecting his wooden sword. "Why not?"

Prince Flynd frowned. "He's notorious for...bedding the wives of other men."

I didn't have a hard time imagining Sir Lorcan, with his ruggedly handsome features and tanned skin, seducing bored Nechi women who wanted a drastic change. "Are you worried that he will seduce me?"


"Then why does it matter?"

"Because he's going to try," Prince Flynd retorted. "He loves 'exotic' women. Don't think you'll be spared simply because you're Meretian."

I laughed which confused the prince. "You're being strange." I explained.

"The only person acting strange today is you," He muttered.

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