Chapter 15: A trick or two

Start from the beginning

Lloyd lowered his weapon and in his sight was a stain of blood. Yet, droplets of Nya's blood dripping to the ground. He reached a hand out to help her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" his apology was interrupted by a flying kick to his abdomen. His black eyes shot open as this uncomfortable and painful sensation entered him. He was naturally pushed back and he landed on his back. Before he even had the chance to stand up, the water ninja's right foot was pressed against his chest. The dust from her shoe resting by his overworn green gi.
All that Lloyd could spot from his current view was the water ninja, Nya's victorious grin. She said: "Let your guard down too soon, huh?"
After that losing attempt to attack her again, the two ninja's decided that training was over for the day. Despite getting hurt, Nya certain,y did enjoy herself and she had to admit to Lloyd that he never lost the fighting spirit. The two were leaned against their precious Bounty's golden railings. The blonde sighed as the moonlight was now seen into view. Training really took that long? There was silence between him and his comrade, he turned to her and spoke: "Hey, is your arm doing alright?" He asked, his eyes showing slight remorse. Hearing his question, the water ninja, who had her left arm all bandaged up, smiled and nodded. "It's not the worst injury and you know that." She paused to shut an eye. Lloyd could assume it's because a sharp pain just struck her. A whimper escaped her lips but she still continued her point. "We're ninja. We can get through it." She reminded him. The green ninja smiled at that reminder. "Yeah....we're ninja." He repeated,but a bit more quieter than hers.

The conversation between the two ended from there and they were back to watching the moonlight until a cough was heard from behind them. The speaker had an almost apologetic tone in their voice and it was certainly raspy. "I'm sorry for interfering but I couldn't help but notice your battle techniques." The speaker said. Both, whipped their heads back and their cerulean and black eyes were engulfed in the man's bloodshot red eyes. From behind the shadows, the shadow lord finally decided to show himself. Much to Lloyd's surprise. His first initiative was to scold him.

"What? How did you get out?! I had Skylor watch over you!" He questioned, not trying to even lay a finger on the one lord. Maybe he could heard him out? No- he mustn't. The green ninja tired turning away, signalling Nya yay he didn't want to participate in this matter. However, as said earlier, he had a strong heart. The green ninja, instead, stayed still and listened to what his fath-Garmadon had to say. The man stepped forward but didn't exactly get too close to the two teenagers. "You see, the master of amber is no match for me." He informed with an indifferent expression. He still had that serious-neutral look on his frontage. Nya stepped in the conversation. "You didn't bother hurting her, right?" He took the redhead's defense. Garmadon luckily shook his head. But Nya didn't buy it.

"What makes you say that we can trust you?" Nya lifted her uninjured hand, ready to drow-splash him with her waves. With one gesture, the whole ocean might as well spawn in her hands. It would be mighty jolly for the Bounty. But unpleasant for the city in general. Lloyd narrowed his eyebrows and agreed with his friend's argument.
"Yeah...what makes you say that we'll let you roam around with no one to watch you?" He inquired. The oni lord yawned and raised all his four arms in the air. He whispered in an aggravated tone. "Geez, alright , I won't try anything funny ok?" He confirmed to them. Nya and Lloyd gave unconvinced looks. "That's mighty sceptical.." they informed Garmadon who only formed a grin on his grey lips.

Lloyd sighed in his response. He lowered his head for a second and brought the courage to face the man again. "Father. If you try something funny, I swear." The first word slipped out by accident. Apparently it couldn't be helped, anyone could have noticed it. Garmadon laughed at his mistake. He responded: "Nice try boy, for I have no son." He paused to observe the expressions the ninja were giving him. Lloyd's heart sank at those words. As for the girl, she just gave a stern look, upset at Garmadon's choice of words. But for some reason, Garmadon didn't only feel amusement at the green ninja's fault. For some reason, deep inside, he felt a strike of remorse.
Knowing that this would occur, the man pushed it away by letting out a soft growl. He decided to change the topic. "I couldn't help but notice your battle stances and how you equip your swords." He coughed.
Skylor walked out of the dormitories' hallway. She had spent the past 10 minutes searching for the escaped oni lord. Alas, she finally found him on the deck along with Lloyd and Nya? The master of amber was confused. She sticked around to investigate on the matter. Why isn't he trying to escape? She thought mentally. In front of her, there was the tall man, Lloyd and Nya, holding iron blades. The one they used for training. Though the oni lord was an exception, he was slightly standing forward and he had his familiar purple glowing swords, complemented with an eminence-coloured glow. Giving his weapon a mythical vibe.

He began to teach them a certain technique that Skylor couldn't quite visualize in action. But she got the main idea from the amount of times the oni advanced, ducked and swung his blade at thin air. She appreciated that he didn't aim her friends. Or else, she would gladly intervene the "lovely lesson" going on. "When you finish cutting through someone's inner artery, you jump up and aim for the neck next. You probably may not know this but to cause an instant death with a blade, you either score for the neck or the right eye, the right eye, if you're lucky enough, you'll need to pierce the sword straight into your victim's brain." The oni lord explained. A bit...too detailed for Nya and Lloyd's liking. They gave off disgusted looks at the ending of the rather gruesome lecture. Like a teacher however, Garmadon turned to them and lowered his four small swords. "Now, any questions?" He inquired.

Skylor chuckled and watched as Nya and Lloyd tried the explained stances by themselves. They looked ridiculous, sliding and jumping through wind without a target. But for the master of amber knew, the oni lord stood there, still with the same serious expression. He watched his so called "students" execute the movements and bothered to correct them if they misplaced an arm or even stumble back the slightest.
"No, you can't trip at a time like this. You need to be ready for your enemy." Garmadon encouraged. With that, the night continued and even though Nya and Lloyd were left with a for now-considered dangerous threat, she couldn't help but feel a warm feeling surround her heart when she saw how Lloyd looked when he began mastering the moves. A big happy smile on his lips as if he already lowered his guard around his father, Lord Garmadon. Life sure was something. There was nothing that could break the bond of a father and son. Skylor knew that. But sadly, she had no more father to look up to unlike Lloyd and Nya. Thus, she disappeared into the darkness of the night.
A/N Hi! LillaSmolBean here! Thank you for reading chapter 15 of Reconciled hearts! If you liked it, please leave a vote and comment down below if you have anything to say. Even predictions! We'd love to hear them! Now, I guess I can talk a bit on the chapter? My favourite part was definitely writing the training battle between Nya and Lloyd. I actually referenced that scene from another fandom. I'll write more about the battle scene in my fandomness randomness book #2 if you're interested. Though don't worry, i didn't completely steal it. I changed up a lot of parts from the original battle and the one going on between Nya and Lloyd. I certainly like the new skill I earned myself on writing descriptive combat now a days. I don't exactly claim myself a pro yet but an amateur sounds good! Anyways, that's all for this author's note. I wrote this chapter on Wednesday by the way! That's why it's a bit longer than the earlier author's notes. I've certainly taken a habit to write my chapters way ahead than usual. Though I didn't have much homework today so I figured, "why not write?" and here we are. Well, I'll be off! Cya guys in chapter 17!

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