"Hey, Lil. How'd it go?" Laia asked as Lilly walked in the door.

"It was long... They said they would contact me if they have any more information... I just don't know what I'm going to do about the guys," she sighed, slumping down on the couch.

"I actually have some good news about that," Laia supplied.

"Wait, you do?" Lilly asked.

"Yeah. Clint and I were working out some plans while you were down at the station. I talked to Tony and he said, not only will he pay for insurance and extra security but he's also going to see about getting Bucky some high paying clients for his personal training business. He's also posting flyers for Clint's archery lessons and for Steve's art classes and trying to get to get them more business," Laia explained.

"That's a relief," Lilly sighed. "I can probably get Pietro a job at Cerebro for a while as kind of a thank you for giving them giving us some of their performers and I can maybe send Peter and Phil to Wakanda to work as bartenders. That just leaves... everybody else..." Clint hung up the phone and walked over to the two women on the couch.

"I was just talking to Bruce. Laia, he said that he can get you a job at the local clinic he works... he told me they were looking for another physical therapist as they just had someone leave to work in India..."

"That's some good news at least," Laia smiled. "Now for the others..." It took some time but the trio managed to get the rest of the staff of JARVIS. Lilly used her connections in the club business to get Brock and Nick temporary bouncing jobs and Sam a job working in another club, Laia called Tony who pulled some more strings to get Bri and Meg jobs as stylists for some glossy magazine and Clint had an old friend that owned a sound studio who could hire Rhodey.


Now that the employees of JARVIS all had their job placements, the next step was to contact the lawyers. Following Clint's advice, Lilly contacted Nelson and Murdock so they could discuss how to proceed with the eventual investigation of the vandals. Having booked an appointment, Lilly went down to the offices. With the suspicion that Hydra had returned, Steve had gone with her just as a precaution. When the pair walked in, they were greeted by a man with shaggy blond hair and another man with brunette hair and red glasses.

"Hi, uh... you're Nelson and Murdock right?" Lilly asked.

"Yeah. I'm Foggy and this is my partner Matt," the blond replied.

"Are you our 3:00 o'clock appointment, Lilly Willow?"

"Yes, I am. This is Steve Rogers. He's an employee of mine," she explained. The lawyers invited the pair to sit as they took their places at their desks.

"We've gone over your file and it looks like the damages are covered by your insurance," Foggy explained. Lilly sighed with relief. At least that was one thing less to worry about.

"Now what's our game plan for the investigation?" she asked.

"Well... I could recommend someone... She's kind of pricy and a little hard to get along with but she's one of the best of the best," Matt explained.

"Hard to get along with is an understatement," Foggy said. "Let's just say that Jessica is one of the most aggressive women I've ever met... but yes, she can find a needle in a haystack. Heck, she could find a needle in a needle stack!" Matt tilted his head and furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Well, a specific needle in a needle stack... you know what I mean!" This statement eased some of the tension Lilly had been feeling.

"Look, at this point, I don't care about costs... I just want to find out who did this to my business and if this Jessica is as good as you say she is, then I'm willing to risk it..." Steve noticed her balled up fists on her lap and reached out to hold her hand but decided against it at the last moment. Lilly cast a glance at him and gave him a small smile. After sorting through some more paperwork, Lilly thanked the lawyers and left, Steve trailing behind her. Once she had stepped outside, Lilly covered her face with her hands and took a few deep breaths.

"Lilly? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Steve. I've still got to make an appointment with that P.I. and I've got to look at security companies and contactors and-and..." Steve pulled her into a hug. Lilly relaxed in his embrace.

"Everything's gonna be okay, Lilly. You're a strong woman. You'll get through this and we're all on your side," he soothed.

"I just feel so stressed out and anxious... This current disaster is just throwing me out of balance and I feel like everything is spinning out of my control..." Steve rubbed her back as they stood there. It was only after Lilly had felt like she had finally calmed down enough that Steve let go from the hug.

"Feel better now?"

"Yeah... much. Thank you, Steve. I really needed that," she said.

"No problem. Do you maybe want to get lunch and talk for a while? I know a great little cafe..."

"I'd like that," she smiled.


After lunch, Lilly and Steve went to make an appointment with the private investigator. The two arrived at the address that the lawyers had given and at first, Lilly thought there might have been a mistake until they arrived in front of the door with the words 'Alias Investigations' written on the frosted glass.

"I guess this is it," she muttered to herself before knocking. It took a few moments before a dark haired woman answered.
"What do you want?" she asked bluntly.

"Hi, um... are you Jessica Jones?" Lilly asked.

"Might be. Who's asking?"

"My name is Lilly Willow. Matt Murdock said you were a P.I. and I thought that maybe you could help me..."

"Depends on if you can pay my fee." Lilly nodded and Jessica let the two of them into her office/ apartment. The pair walked in and Jessica walked over to her desk, sat down and put her feet up.

"So let's discuss your case." Lilly nodded again and told her everything that had happened with HYDRA, the club and her suspicious connection between the two. Jessica listen to her every word and once she collected enough data (and worked out a payment plan), she dismissed the two.

"Don't worry. If these guys really are responsible, I will find out. I am damn good at my job." Those words were somehow a comfort. Both Steve and Lilly left the office, still stunned by the straight forwardness of the P.I. Steve hadn't said a word until they left the building and Lilly turned to look at him to see that his face was slightly red.

"Steve, are you alright?" Steve nodded curtly.

"Yes, I'm okay. It's just that this Jessica woman was quite... blunt." Lilly smiled a little.

"I guess you could be right about that." As direct as Jessica on the case, the future of JARVIS was in safe hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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