Chapter 22: For Her

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The doctor checked if Mingrui's heart is compatible for Y/N.

After some few minutes of waiting, the doctor smiled at us and it seems like it's good news.

Doctor: *happily sighs* alright, Mingrui's heart is compatible for Y/N, and Mingrui has no illnesses, he doesn't have any problems with his heart, blood or anything. In that case, Mingrui will going to be... Y/N's donor. The transplant surgery will happen tomorrow, thank you

Y/d/n: thank God! Thank you so much!

Y/m/n: Thank you very very much! But I feel guilty and I pity Mingrui.

Y/d/n: Uh...

Mingrui: Don't worry, auntie and uncle! Don't be guilty! No one will cry anyway if I...die. This is my first time loving someone, and I'm doing this for her, for her to be happy, for her to spend more years with her family, for her to have such a life. I...never regret meeting your daughter.

Y/m/n: *eyes are watery* your...your so kind and sweet towards my daughter, thank you so much for doing this Mingrui. Besides, we're not even sure if you will die or nah.

Mingrui: The doctor said that in heart transplants, lung transplants and kidney transplants, the donor wouldn't always survive, so...

Y/m/n: Mingrui, don't say that. Because of your nice and a really kind attitude, i'm sure...

Mingrui: Well, we'll see.

Y/d/n puts his hand on Mingrui's shoulder

Y/d/n: Thank you for doing this, we don't know how and what will we pay you.

Mingrui: Don't worry about that.

Y/d/n: We'll not agree, please let us do something for you!

Mingrui: Alright, please don't tell Y/N that I am her donor and if she's looking for me, just tell her that I am at Canada, but I'll be right back.

Y/d/n: hUh? Only that?

Y/m/n: Why?

Mingrui: Please just do it, I know it's just a small ask but, it means a lot to me!

Y/d/n: Okay.

Mingrui: Thanks.

Y/m/n: Thanks for all Mingrui. We really appreciate it.

Y/d/n: Yea, we do.

Mingrui smiled. And we returned the smile.

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