Question 535

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Meggy: What...?

Mario: How... dare you?! (grabs Meggy and ties her up tightly to a chair)

Meggy: Thank you... so much, Mario. I don't want to harm my home with ink again... but I have to do it. What am I gonna do?

Mario: Wait... I got it. (picks up the chair Meggy is tied up in) You won't go crazy when you're tied up in this chair.

Meggy: Great idea, Mario. Thank you.

Futaba: Well, I'm not gonna do it. I would never do something like that to a great friend.

Meggy: Thank you, Futaba.

(Mario carried Meggy, who is still tied up to the chair, to the castle and told everyone in the castle to try and say "paint" in front of Meggy for 10 minutes. Thankfully, MXR Meggy wasn't at the castle now, as she's on a date with (Y/N), so the castle is safe from ink.)

Infinite: I'm out.

Crystal: Me too. Meggy is our close friend. I don't wanna do that.

Mario: To make this less boring and more calming for your throats, everyone just go on your daily lives while I carry Meggy and start talking about paint stuff.

Meggy: Why... can't... I... move?

Mario: I tied you up so you can survive the challenge way easier, Meggy. I want you to stop this.

Meggy: Alright... let's get this over with.

(Mario carried Meggy all over the castle while talking to his friends about paint. Once Meggy started to shake, Mario tried his best to calm Meggy down. 9 minutes later, he was almost done.)

Mario: Okay, Meggy. Only one minute left. Soon you'll be free.

(Bob and MXR Bob came in and started to repeatedly shout the word paint over and over again. Meggy was shaking rapidly, Mario tried to call her down, and she was close to breaking the ropes with her going crazy, but 10 minutes have officially passed.)

Mario: Meggy! 10 minutes passed! Now you can...

Meggy: (gets so crazy in her mind that she gets knocked out)

Mario: Meggy! (unties the knots)

Infinite and Crystal: Meggy! (run over to Meggy and see how she's feeling)

Infinite: (checks her pulse) She's still alive. (feels her forehead and quickly pulls back because it was burning) My god! Meggy's got a huge fever because of the craziness in her body!

Mario: Oh no!

Crystal: This can't be good.

Infinite: We gotta take her back to the mansion. We'll fix her right up, won't we, Crystal and Mario?

Mario: Okie dokie!

Crystal: Meggy can count on us!

Infinite: Good. Let's take her home and take care of her.

Mario: (runs alongside Infinite and Crystal while carrying Meggy back to the mansion) You'll feel better soon. (puts Meggy in bed)

(That could be the next Meggy X Reader chapter, Infinitetheedge . (Y/N), MXR Meggy, and SB123 Mario try to find a cure for a bad fever like what SB123 Meggy has. Get on it.)

(Also, just to remind everyone, I'm doing these breaks so I won't reach the 200 chapter limit before April Fools Day. I have something special planned for this on that day.)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 3 (Questions 377-554)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora