Question 432

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Meggy: Everyone! Come over here! I got something to show you!

(Everyone went over to Meggy to see what she has for them.)

MXR Meggy: What do you have for us, me?

Meggy: Take a look at this! (puts the Umbra Watch on and turns into Meggyonetta)

MXR Meggy: What?!

(Y/N): No way!

Infinite: Awesome!

Crystal: Cool!

Futaba: Wow! You almost look like me more!

Meggyonetta: But that's not all! (breathes in and out) AVAVAGO!

(Suddenly, the ground started to rumble, as a monster by the name of Gomorrah arrived outside the mansion.)


Meggyonetta: I wasn't intending this to happen at all! I'm so sorry!

Infinite: We forgive you, Meggy.

Bob: I dOn'T.

(Mario kicked Bob in the nuts.)

Bob: Ow, My OvArIeS.

(Gomorrah then began to roar and prepared to attack.)

Meggyonetta: You ready to fight this monster with me, everyone?

Mario: I sure am, Meggy!

Infinite: Let's do this, everyone!

Saiko and Tari: Let's go! (put on their Umbra Watches)

(Meggyonetta, Mario, Futaba, and their guests began to fight Gomorrah together, and they all defeated it in 10 minutes.)

Meggyonetta: I'm not one for pets who don't listen to their masters. (turns back to normal)

Crystal: We did a great job!

Futaba: Especially you in your new form, Meggy.

Infinite: Yeah, you were awesome!

Meggy: Thanks, guys! It's all thanks to these Umbra Watches.

(Saiko and Tari turned back to normal.)

Saiko: Let's hope that doesn't happen again.

Mario: Same here.

Tari: You wanna play video games?

Everyone: YEAH!

(They all went back inside to play video games.)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 3 (Questions 377-554)Where stories live. Discover now