Question 490

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Futaba: (shivers in fear)

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Futaba: (shivers in fear)

Meggy: (walks outside) Futaba, what's going o- (sees Infinite unconscious with a hole on his chest) INFINITE, NO!

Mario: (walks outside) Infinite! Is he dead?

Meggy: He might if we don't do something about it! We gotta get to Francis, stat! (picks up Infinite and runs to the castle with Futaba and Mario) Francis!

Francis: (runs up to Meggy) What's u-wait, is that Infinite?! (picks up Infinite, takes him to another room, and starts to heal him)

Meggy: Infinite... he's gotta be okay.

Mario: He protected us ever since we were married, and I don't want him to die.

(Mario and Meggy start to cry, as Futaba tried to calm them down by hugging them both.)

Futaba: Infinite's gonna be alright, you two. Francis is a genius. I just know Infinite will make it out alive!

Mario and Meggy: (hug back) Thank you.

Futaba (thoughts): I wonder where that other Infinite came from.

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 3 (Questions 377-554)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant