Question 420 Continution

355 5 16

Meggy: Mario, Futaba, I have an awesome prank to do to everyone in the castle. Help me bring the speakers with me.

Mario: Okie dokie.

Futaba: Okay.

(Mario and Futaba helped Meggy bring the speakers, along with a microphone and an airhorn, to the castle.)

Mario: I turned the speakers on and plugged in the microphone. Here you go. (gives the microphone to Meggy)

Futaba: What are you planning to do, Meggy?

Meggy: A hilarious prank involving an airhorn and huge speakers. (slowly puts the airhorn up to the microphone)

Meggy (thoughts): This is gonna be classic!

Meggy: (blows the airhorn straight into the mic, causing the sound to come out the speakers very loudly)

SMG4: (covers his ears and screams)

(Everyone else covered their ears while screaming, while Mario, Meggy, and Futaba were laughing hard. Soon, the speakers blew out after the loud noise.)

Mario: Mario's ears hurt, but I still loved it!

Meggy: Let's go, quick, before someone sees us!

Futaba: (laughs) That was hilarious!

(The threw quickly ran away with the speakers and other stuff, as SMG4 opened the door very angrily.)


Tari: Oww... my ears hurt so much.

Infinite: Mine too.

Crystal: Mine as well.

Francis: Jesus Christ, that was loud as f*ck!

(Everyone else moaned in pain, as SMG4 calmed down.)

SMG4: Alright, everyone. Let's try to forget about it. It'll make the ear pain go away faster.

Tari: SMG4's right. Let's just go back to bed and forget that ever happened.

Infinite: Okay. Let's go back to sleep, everyone.

(They all went back to bed, as Meggy, Mario, and Futaba arrived back at the mansion and laughed hard.)

Mario: They should've seen the looks on their faces!

Meggy: That was so funny!

Futaba: Definitely made my day. (yawns) I'm getting tired. Good night, you two lovebirds.

Mario and Meggy: Good night, Futaba!

(The couple said good night to each other, kissed, and went to sleep on their huge bed.)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 3 (Questions 377-554)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora