Time to take a break.

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Meggy: (wakes up) Owwww...

Mario: (wakes up) Oh, Meggy, are you okay?

Meggy: N... n-n... no. Those moose... gave me... a lot of pain... and bruises.

Mario: (sheds a tear and hugs Meggy) You need a break today to heal those bruises.

Meggy: Mario... please... bring Infinite and... Crystal... over here... please.

Mario: Okie dokie, Meggy. We'll all help you through this. (calls Infinite and Crystal on his phone)

Meggy: Everyone. I'm gonna have to take a break. No questions for today. I'm sorry, but I hope all of you understand.

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 3 (Questions 377-554)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora