Question 460

265 4 8

Meggy: Whoa! Mario, show me your cloning and copy abilities!

Mario: Okie dokie! (starts to make hand gestures) I don't know about that one, chief. (starts to clone himself)

Meggy: (squeals) That was amazing! Can you make more?

Mario: I can't see why not. (starts to make a bunch of clones all around Meggy)

Meggy: This is literally a dream come true! Now which Mario is the real one? (hugs a Mario clone, as it disappears) Huh?

Mario: Over here, Meggy!

Meggy: (runs to the real Mario and hugs him) That was so awesome, Mario.

Mario: Thank you. (makes the clones disappear) Now let me show you my copy abilities. (finds a Bob-omb, eats it, and turns into a Bob-omb looking version of himself)

Meggy: Woah! That is so cool! What does it do?

Mario: I'll show you! (throws a Bob-omb outside)

Bob: (walks around and sees the Bob-omb) WaIt A gOdDaMn MiNuTe. (gets launched by the Bob-omb's explosion) AaAaAaAaAaAaAaAa...

Mario and Meggy: (laugh)

Mario: (removes his power and turns back to normal) Well, that was sure fun. I had a great time!

Meggy: The special powers that you've achieved are so amazing! I love them!

Mario and Meggy: (kiss each other)

Mario: I love you, Meggy.

Meggy: I love you too, sweetheart.

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