Question 441

293 4 2

(Mario and Meggy woke up.)

Mario: Ohh, my head. What happened?

Meggy: Wha...? (shrieks) Where are my clothes?! (covers herself with her hair)

Mario: What is going on here?! What did we do?

Futaba: (walks in and immediately closes her eyes) Oh my! I'm so sorry!

Meggy: It's okay, Futaba.

Mario: I'm so scared.

Meggy: Me too.

Mario: What happened? We were just starting to drink beer, and the next thing we know, we're here!

Meggy: I hate having a hangover.

Futaba: Take these. (gives them 2 doses of SCP-500 (panecea)) It'll help you with your hangover.

(Mario and Meggy took the SCP-500 (panecea) and started to remember everything that happened while they were drunk, including where their clothes are, as they started to run to where they are and put them on.)

Meggy: It feels good to be clothed again.

(They hugged each other, while Harold stood in front of them holding spaghetti.)

Mario: The spaghetti you cooked for us while we were drunk.

Meggy: Let's eat it together, Mario.

Mario: Okay, Meggy.

(They ate the spaghetti together, as they went back to Futaba.)

Mario: Thanks, Futaba. We would've been more stressed if you haven't gave us those pills.

Meggy: We learned our lesson. We'll never drink a ton of beer again.

Futaba: Good. I don't want you two to get hurt. (hugs Mario and Meggy)

Mario and Meggy: Thank you, Futaba. (hug back)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 3 (Questions 377-554)Where stories live. Discover now