Question 406

297 3 2

Meggy: Sure. Hey, Mario. Let's show off your Great Thing to our friends.

Mario: Okie dokie.

(They walked to the castle and called out their friends to come outside.)

Infinite: Hey, Mario and Meggy. What's up?

Mario: Take a look at this! (shows off Great Thing)

MXR Mario: What is that thing?

Meggy: This is Great Thing.

Mario: A tiny sperm whale creature that has guns all over its body.

Machito: Whoa. Nice.

Mario: Show them what you can do, Great Thing!

Toadsworth: What's going on out he... (gets shot by the many guns on Great Thing) O-ow.

Mario: Yeah, screw you, fake dad!

(They showed off Great Thing's other moves, and after that, Mario and Meggy returned home.)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 3 (Questions 377-554)Where stories live. Discover now