Your Coming Out Stories: 16

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This is @neonlollipops 's story

"My name is Vi, my pronouns are she/they (I'm questioning), I'm 14 and pansexual. I came out to most of my friends before I realized that coming out was a big deal to anyone. My family is very supportive but I haven't come out to them because awkward conversations are really hard for me. I identified as agender for some time in sixth grade but I decided that that wasn't true for some reason. Now I think I might be genderfluid, but whenever I talk about my gender identity, my friends basically say that I shouldn't come out at all because I'll become some sort of transtrender tucute, so I only use she/they online. I'm scared that I'll come out to my parents and they'll just say they already knew and I'll get embarrassed."

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