Where I've Been

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What's up my fellow gays

I'm so so so sorry that I disappeared

I'm in all advanced classes so I've been pretty swamped with school for the last two months

I also made some progress with my own sexuality. I don't know if I've told y'all, but I'm pansexual, panromantic, and cis (she/her).

Way back in May and June I dated a guy. He's hella funny and super sweet but I just wasn't getting the relationship experience that I wanted, so I ended it. We're best friends now so it's cool.

I dated a girl for about two and a half weeks. It was actually pretty recent. She's hella popular and smart. I ended it though, because I couldn't handle the clout (a crap ton of people started talking to me).

Anyways, I told my mom that I'm pan. I told her while I was dating the girl because I had always made a deal with myself that when I dated someone that wasn't a guy, I'd tell her. So that was pretty huge for me.

Ok, enough about that.

I want to do a q&a for you guys, considering y'all don't know much about me.

Comment or dm me any questions you have and I'll answer then in another chapter.

EDIT: let me know if you want your question published and if so, wether you want to be tagged or not

I love y'all and thanks for hyping the book up while I was away, lol

Bye guys!

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