Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Neil." I can hear his voice sink. What do I do? How was I supposed to take this? That's when I slowly stepped into the house and he started backing away from me an a ungrateful manner. I'm sure he never wanted me standing in his front porch. "I can explain Neil, please just give me a second." I stopped and just starred at him. I couldn't believe this. I acted fast after about a minute. I heard him gasp after I hugged him tight. He hesitated before hugging me back, "I'm sorry brother.." I let him go slowly.

"Daddy, daddy!" Noah ran over to us before pulling on Trevor's arm. I look down and see how big he is. This led me to smile a little, I couldn't believe it. He always reminded me of my baby brother. Trevor grabbed my shoulder and squeezed. "Daddy, mommy said it is time for me to go to bed. Make her let me stay up please! Please daddy!"

"It is time for bed buddy. I have a pal over tonight so mommy is gonna tuck you in, okay." He started to pout. Noah crossed his arms and started to stomp off.

"Trevor, baby?" His wife walked over and her mouth fell to the ground. Trevor nodded and walked up to her. "Are you okay, babe?"

"Don't worry about it, baby." He kissed her cheek and hugged her. She whispered something in his ear and he hugged tighter. I couldn't believe I was thinking of killing him and leaving his son without a dad, leaving his wife without a husband. I couldn't do this to these people. They were once part of my family. I knew I couldn't go along with it. Being a dad made me feel soft, even though I never knew my child, I just couldn't do this to another family. "I love you, Trevor."

"I love you too, baby." She held his hand for a second before walking away to tuck Noah into bed. "The living room is this way." I followed without saying a word. I didn't know how to start when we sat down. I felt more calm than angry now. His family really saved him.

"Neil, I really can explain. You might not understand." I just looked at him. "Once everything happened.." he let out a sigh. I knew it must be hard for him to talk about it, he probably felt like he was reliving it. "This is crazy.. Tyler died, Josh left, I almost.." he paused again. "I couldn't do this to my son.. my wife. Neil, I have a family and I wasn't ready to leave them. They still needed me here to support them. Once they took you and I started to heal, I knew it was the right time to leave. Everybody else understood. They were in support."

"Trevor, I don't care as much that you left. What bothers me the most is that you took Kat with you. Then she had my baby without someone telling me. Please, just please, tell me where she is. Where she lives, I need to know.. I need to see my kid, I've missed so many years not being there."

"Baby? What baby?"

"Wait.. you're telling me you don't know she had a baby?" He shook his head. "If you didn't know she had a baby then that means.. she isn't with you.." I sat back on the couch and put my hands behind my head. I rubbed them to my eyes. This was so stressful and all I wanted to do was see my kid.


I still couldn't believe Neil was sitting in front of me. I knew one day he would be at my front door but I didn't think it was going to be that quick. I spent years with anxiety and now it feels like I'm back on a leash that wasn't held by my wife. I couldn't do this all over to her.

"Neil, I just want to let you know; nothing and I mean nothing went on between Kat and I at any point. I would treat her like if she was my sister. I never thought anymore than that. But I can tell you the last time I was went to see her." He leaned forward. "This was years ago and I'm not sure if she is even there anymore because of what happened."

"What happened to her?" He started to tense, bit his lip waiting to hear what happened to her.

"She got robbed and was taken to the hospital. I didn't know about her baby at all. I just knew they were looking for her brother who she was living with at the time.  He got caught up with drugs and he owed them money or something. I can give you his address. He doesn't live that far away. But, Neil, I can't go back to that life. I can't do that to my family. My marriage will be over for real this time. You know I can't lose Crystal nor my son. Their both my world." I lied. I knew about the baby. How could I forget it.

He stood up and waited, "Trevor.. I treated you like a brother and I hate to do this but if you don't come back.." I bit my lip hard. "something worse will happen to you. And I would hate to see your family be all alone. Those are your choices. I'm leaving New York tomorrow at three o'clock. If you don't go to the airport I will have someone come and get you. It's not my job to worry about your family. Hell, now I'm out I don't need to worry about the others. I'm just trying to get shit done now." I handed a paper with her brothers address on it and after that he left my house. I never thought he would leave this house with me still breathing.

I sat back down, I really couldn't believe I was alive. I placed my face on the palms of my hands, I could hear my wife coming up to me. Noah's feet are too small to make the louder foot steps. I couldn't bare to look at her. I already knew what she was going to say to me. "Trevor.." She curled up next to me. "Don't go baby.." I looked at her and grabbed her soft small hands. I didn't say anything, I just looked at her. I saw a tear fall down on her cheek. I closed my eyes gently, why is this happening now?

"I've gotta go Crystal." She kept shaking her head. "You know baby, I have to do this or I won't be here anymore. Noah needs me." Crystal started to cry harder. I knew she was upset but I felt like there was more to this side of her.

"Noah and I wont be the only ones who need you now, Trevor." She pulled my hands toward her stomach and looks down. I shed some tears, I couldn't believe all of this was happening now. "Baby, I'm pregnant." I pulled away to stand. I placed one hand on my hip while my back was facing her. My other hand was covering my eyes to hold back tears.

"How far?"

"Ten weeks.."

I turned around to face her, "ten weeks? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"We've been so busy lately I just didn't know when to tell you. I didn't know how you would take all this babe. I am so sorry. I'm telling you now so that you won't go with him. We have a family and we are adding to it." She sniffed.

"Do you know what that would mean?! That means I have to deal with another year worrying about you even more! Making sure you don't lose the baby, making sure I don't lose you! Making sure you can keep up with Noah! Jesus Crystal!"

"We can run away, Trevor. We can move, I have family in Canada. We can stay with them for awhile until we can get back on our fe-"

"No! God, why do you always do that. Didn't we run away this time? Look what happened. Didn't he find us? Do you think he wont find us this time? Hm?" She looked away and I knew what I said was wrong. "Baby.. I'm just not sure if right now is the best time to have another kid, I think you know that. We were lucky Noah survived." I went to sit next to her and the second I sat down, she stood up. "Crystal.." I whispered before she left the room.

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