Chapter Forty-Two

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"Kat," I watched her move her hand in a circular motion.

"What is it that you want now, Neil?" Her tone was heavy on the words she spoke. I don't know what got into me. It was as if the spell she cursed me with wasn't completely broken yet. I looked at her backside as her hair flowed perfectly down her back and her ass in her jeans popped out. Before I knew it was directly behind her and I had placed my hand on her hip just to rest there. I heard her sigh from my touch. "Neil, you shouldn't be touching me."

"I need to talk to you." I towered over her as she placed the wooden spoon down and turned around.

"Let's sit over here then." She slide past me and walked over to the kitchen table. I followed her like a lost puppy. "What is it?" Once she sat down.

"I just-" I sat down next to her and stared at her. "I just want to know why you did it?"

"Did what?"

"All of this. Left me, hid my son from me, let another man raise him, ran from me?"

She laughed and shook her head, "You mean when you refused to see me in prison?" I couldn't speak, it was like my lips were glued shut. "I tried every week, usually more than once. Do you know what rejection feels like when you are all alone with no one to help you process the information of being pregnant? You chose to not see me-"

"I didn't want you to see me like that," I whisper down at my hands that were resting on the table.

"I was willing to wait for you. I loved you." Loved? I know she still loves me. "And Josh? It just happened. We didn't despise behind your back. We happen to run into each other and you know the rest."

"I need him to know that I am his father."

"I'm not doing that," She crossed her arm on her chest. "And you have no right to say what's best for my son,"

"God damnit! He's my son too!" I started to raise my voice. She tensed up. "I may not have been there while he was a baby but I am here now and I am not going anywhere." I leaned in closer to her. "I want us to be a family. I do love you and I know you still love me. Give me a chance, baby." I grabbed her hand that was closer to me and pulled it up to my lips for a kiss.

"We will see, Neil."


1 Month Later

It's been a month since I showed up at Kat's unannounced. It was really hard to adjust to the situation. Kat and I get along much better now that we talked about it. She agreed to let me stay in the house while I find a place to live here. Josh is at the B&B with Jesse and  Trevor. Kat is still upset that I won't allow Josh back at his own house. But I told her that I will shoot him. I wanted my son all to myself. Jackson asks for his dad all the time. She keeps telling him that he is on a business trip. Josh calls him every night to ask how his day went and how school went.

I've met up with Rose a couple times. I let Trevor babysit the house while I did. It was nothing serious, it was just a sloppy meet every time. It just helps me to try not to make a move on Kat. She has made it very clear that nothing is coming between her and Josh. I am willing to respect that for now since they haven't seen each other. But the second her guard is down, I will make my move. Jackson and I are the perfect pair. I knew the second I had him that we would be inseparably. Most nights we would have a family dinner. During bedtime, I will read Jackson a book to bed as Kat took a shower or got herself ready for bed. Before I head to bed I check on everyone, Jackson peacefully sleep, Kat sleeping alone in a king size bed. I slept on the couch most nights unless I was with Rose.

Today was a normal day until I got gas for the rental car I was still using. I dropped Kat off at work and Jackson off at school. Right after I did, I picked up Jesse and Trevor so we could talk about what to do with Josh. I went to the gas station that was about five minutes away from her house and I got this gut feeling not to go get gas here. But I didn't listen.

"I'll be right back," I said turning off the car. I hopped out of the car and noticed a tinted out Suburban parked at the far end of the pumps.  Around this town, you didn't really see tinted vehicles which drew my attention in the first place.

Trevor got out of the car and I knitted my eyebrows at him, "I'm thirsty."

I went ahead and pumped gas. But as I was walking around to the drivers door, the car pulled in front of the rental to block us off. The passengers door swung open. I reached around my waist to try to pull my gun.

"Don't." I heard as I turned my head to see a man behind me. He already drew his gun and had it pointing at me. I slowly dropped my hands to my side and made my attention back to the guy standing in front of me.

"Can I help you with anything?" I raised my eyebrow and the man only smiled at me. Before I knew it, I was punched in the gun with full forced. It didn't knock me down but it was a hard blow. I heard my car door open on the other side.

"Get back in the car or I will shoot him!" The man behind me said to Jesse who was trying to get out of the car to help me. I stood up and held my stomach.

"Now," The man in front of me straightened my shirt. "You will go and tell Mr. Post to give me my money. Cause next time you won't have the ability to tell him." He slapped my cheek softly before getting back in the car. Mr. Post?

I turned around to see the guy lowering his gun. As he was slowly backing up, shots were going off and hitting their car. I crouched down not knowing where they were coming from. I saw the man stand up and aimed his gun before pulling the trigger a couple of times. He ran to the door and hopped in. They drove off and left me to witness who they were shooting at.

I ran over to Trevor who was holding tight to his leg. "What the fuck were you thinking?!" I yell at him as Jesse approached us.

"Who the hell were those guys?" He grunted as we tried to pull him up. "Fuck! Easy!" He screamed in pain.

"I don't fucking know who they are but we are about to find out after we fix your leg." I opened the car door and Jesse helped me put him in the back seat.

"We can't go to the hospital, Neil. That's a gun shot, they'll ask us what happened and get the police involved." Jesse said once the door was shut.

"I guess, we see what connections Mr. Post has to help since we were dragged into his shit." He nodded and ran to the passengers side. "Fuck!" I yelled in anger.

Prisoner -Neil Westfall-Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz