Chapter Thirteen

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I feel like this book is all over the place. tell me what you guys think pleaseee.

"Neil!" I look up from the paper I was reading. Matty Wentworth was walking up to me. He seemed like he was in a hurry. Earlier I told him I had an important business to attend with him. I wanted to know where Trevor was, he had to have known. He was his brother. Family sticks together, I stuck with the club. Their family.

"What's wrong?" He took a big gulp.

"We kind of just lost support from the 40's." I roll my eyes.

"Who cares. They aren't worth it. We don't need help from old guys." I shrug it off and he just stood there.

"Um, Neil I don't think you realize how important they were, and we had their support." I smirk.

"We'll find someone else. But I need to talk to you about something Matty." I swing my arm around his shoulder and he tensed up. "Relax man." I smirk knowing that would make him tense up more which it did. 

"S-sure. What about?" I took him into the meeting room and told him to have a seat. I took my set along with him.

"Matty, I need to know where Trevor is." His face went blank. Like he couldn't answer it, but I knew he could.

"I don't know where-"

"Yes, you do. Don't lie to me. You know what happens when people lie to me." He nodded and sat up straight.

"I may know where he is, but I don't-"

"Just tell me Matty." I used a stern threatening voice on him. He was already making me really impatient. 

"He's in New York. But like I was saying-" I cut him off not wanting to hear anything else.

"Write down where. I pass him a note pad and gel pen. He shook his head.

"Neil, listen god damn it! Kat is NOT with him!" I freeze. But, but.. Anywhere he goes Kat would've gone. I know that for a fact. "She was with him Neil, she left. No one knows where she is. Trevor even says he does not know."

"That has to be a damn lie!"

"I went to go see him last month. He doesn't even have her number anymore. She changed it on him. She lost all contact with him for one reason." He paused. "Because she doesn't want you to find her." I sit there not saying a thing for awhile. He stood slowly and headed for the door.

"Stop." I whisper and Matty freezes where he was.


"There is only one person who can find her," Matty shook his head repeatedly.

"Neil, no. Don't. Do you know what is going to happen once we get them out?!" He yelled whispered so no one could hear.

"I didn't say them,  I am talking about one person. The best of the best, the worst of the worst. Him, himself alone battles himself. Good v.s evil. He can do it all." I stand and start jogging to the door, he grabbed my arm while my hand was resting on the door knob. Before he could even open his mouth to say one word I speak mine.

"Get your paw off me before I do what I did to Andy to you." I growl with anger. I was done having everyone else trying to tell me what to do these past few days. It was finally time to show them who was really in charge. That's what I was doing. He let go slowly.

I swing the door open to see most of the my men working on something. The others, cleaning. I smile, this is how I like it. "Boys'!" they all look up. "Get me Jesse. The one and only Jesse Furtherford." I smirk walking to go get a drink.

"Um, Neil. You know Jesse hasn't been out since 2009." I nod understanding that.

"He hasn't lost his touch, y'all hear me?! Jesse knows what he is doing. He forever will remember."

"We aren't worried about that. Neil, he's fucking crazy." I snarl at his comment.

"Don't disrespect a legend. Get him out, make calls. Hell, break him out for all I care. Just get the job done. Don't come back without him, understand?" Most of them nod before dropping everything they were doing just to get Jesse.

I have not heard one word about Jesse for the rest of the night. I was starting to get frustrated, really frustrated actually. I almost pulled out my hair a few times before Oliver came up to me to give me some news.

"Did you get him?" He took a deep breath before looking away then back at me.

"I just want to tell you that you are making a huge mistake. This is the dumbest one you've ever made actually." I laugh in his face while he hands me a sheet of paper folded in half. I snatch it from his dirty hand.

"Why would I care what you or anyone else thinks? Frankly I don't give a shit what anyone thinks anymore. I'm not doing this to find Kat nor to see her. I'm going after my kid."


Jesse Furtherford- From the Neighborhood

Matty Wentworth- Our Last Night

Sorry for such a short Chapter!!


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