Chapter Fifty-Five

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This is the last chapter and it took me literally a whole day to write this cause I was so sad to finish this book!!!!


"We have less than an hour to get in and get out. Just throw everything in the bags. I went into the place with Kat to pick up her prescription the other day and it was really small. Like a corner store, you know? We can do this less than thirty minutes." I spoke to Trevor and Jesse as I put my black hoodie over my head. Trevor was biting his nails and Jesse was scrolling on his phone.

"You sure about this?" Jesse looked up to make eye contact with me. This was the first time Jesse spoke out on this move. "I mean, as much as I wanna go nomad.. I also don't wanna end back up in a 6 by 8 square foot room." He shrugged. I felt the knot in my stomach come back once again. It was constantly appearing anytime I spoke of this.

I nod my head and turn my phone on silent. "Yeah, yeah. We're good. Let's just start heading there. He said cameras shut off right at 9pm."

We all drive separately to the pharmacy. I traded in the rental car, just in case any local recognized the old car. It wasn't that big of a town and I already knew a couple of people here. My hands started to sweat instantly the second I was pulling into the back ally. I turn my car lights off as Jesse and Trevor were pulling in. It was 8:58 p.m.

"Ready?" Jesse asked me as we were all waiting for the time to run down. I pull my sky mask over my face and step out of the car. I check my watch as it read 9pm.

I reach for the handle of the back door and exhaled sharply as I pull it down to see if it was unlocked. It's opened and I looked at the others. No alarms went off, so far so good. We ran inside before anyone saw us. I look up at the camera in the corner of the back room. No red light.

"We're in, grab as much as you can and let's go." I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket but I didn't want to waste time to check who it was. We all moved quickly starting at different areas of the pharmacy cage. Throwing shit in our bags. Not reading any bottle, not caring how basic some of these medicines are.

"We gonna hit the safe?" Jesse whispered over to me.

"No, no safe. Just bottles. That's all we were instructed to get." I shook my head and continued to fill my duffel bag. Once again, my phone goes off with constant vibrations.

"We keep it for ourself. No one will know." He walked passed me to head into the back office. I grab him from the back of the collar before he could get any further.

"No! Grab the fucking bottles so we can get the fuck outta here." I growl. He rolled his eyes and went back to where he first started. I drop my duffel bag once I feel my phone go off again. I look down and see Kat called three times. Just before I put it back into my pocket, she calls again.

"Neil, we don't have time for that right." Trevor looked over at me while I stalled.

"Real quick." I say back before answering her call. "Kat? What? I'm busy." I spoke softly.

"Neil! I need you to come quick! I think someone's outside. Maybe trying to br-break in, I don't know but I need you to come," she spoke frantically and sounded out of breathe. My heart started to race and my stomach turned.

"Did you call the police?" I check the time before making eye contact at Trevor who had a concern look on his face.

"No! Neil, please!" She cried.

"Okay, okay, I'm a couple minutes away. Go into Jackson's room and lock yourself in there." I hung up the phone as the others were looking at me.

"What happened?" Trevor slowly putting more bottles in his bag but still watching me.

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