Chapter One

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After I stopped visiting the prison I moved to New York to live with my brother. Jeremy never had a doubt in his mind that his baby sister was pregnant. He was in the studio most of the day. I only saw him at night before bed. I work during the day too. And every once in awhile he would bring me lunch as I do for him. But it barely started to happen, we barely talked anymore. I would text him but he wouldn't answer then I would try to talk to him but he always says he has something to do. Something was up with him.

I finally get home from a 12 hour shift and relaxed on the couch until Jeremy got home. I was six months pregnant, I was rather small for my pregnancy. I couldn't keep this from him any longer. I wanted to be close with him again, I wanted him to start talking to me. There shouldn't be any reason why he is mad at me. I pay rent, on time. I buy most of my food and I clean up my messes.

"Hey," He said while walking in and tossing his keys on the counter. I stand slowly, or at least try to stand. I was wearing a bagging hoodie my father gave me when I was a young girl.

"Hi." He goes straight to the fridge to get the milk out. He doesn't bother getting a glass but instead he drinks out of the container. It's a good thing the baby doesn't enjoy the taste of milk at the moment. "Hey Jer, can I talk to you about something?" He just nodded. I lead him to the living room where we both sat at one end of the couch.

"What's up?"

"Well, I am little worried about you. You aren't talking to me. You barely sleep anymore and you are always out. And I don't know what you do when you aren't at work but I just want to be able to talk to you again. Like they way we use too-" He cut me off with a bolt of anger.

"Kat, I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me because it's not your business!" I sat there a little surprised.

"But it is my place to be worried. You are family. My brother. I love you Jeremy." I let out a laugh.

"Do not play the family card!"

"What the hell is your problem!" He stood and started pacing back and forth.

"Fine! You wanna know! I have been wasting my free time partying, drinking a shit ton and doing drugs!" I dropped my mouth. I never thought in a million Jeremy would do anything more then smoke pot. I knew he still smoked it but only in his room and he always aired it out after.

"What other drugs Jeremy."

"Don't worry about it." His voice went soft and quiet.

"WHAT DRUGS JEREMY!" I close my eyes wanted to cry.

"Cocaine and Acid mostly." I take a deep breath. "Kat, you wanted to know my deal. Now tell me yours." I didn't answer afraid to tell him now. "Tell me Kat!!"

"Je suis enceine." Jeremy stopped pacing back and forth and looked at me with a straight face. I honestly could not believe he did not know. He placed his hands on his hips and stared at me.

It was minutes later before he said anything, "What?"

"I'm pregnant." He scratched his beard and took a deep breath.

"How long?"

"Six months."

"What?!" He growled in anger. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

"I didn't know if I was going to keep the baby but then it got too late to decide. I do want the child, I really do. I was scared about what you were going to think, say, and do." He started tearing up.

"Kat, I wouldn't choose for you. This is your child. Not mine. And I'm glad you want this. If it makes you happy then it makes me happy baby sister. I'm just sad you did not tell me sooner. I wanted to be the one to go to the appointments and see the baby and hear what the sex is." I paused before saying something.

"It's not to late Jer," He knitted his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I still have a few months before the baby is born and that means check ups. I also don't know the sex of the baby. So we can find out together." He smiled big and hugged me tight. A little too tight, the baby started to kick.

"What that it?!" I laughed a little, I was use to the kicks. The baby moved around a lot. Kept me from sleep more then I would like. Jeremy knelt down and placed his hand on my tummy then whispered to the baby. I always thought I would have this perfect life. The baby kicking and the father knelt down talking to it. Telling it how we would all live happy together. But Neil wasn't here. And I wouldn't see him again.

"I'll make the appointment tomorrow. Just stop doing drugs if you want to be in the baby's life. Promise?" He nods and hugs me again. Jeremy and I haven't broken a promise with each other unless it was for a really really good reason. So I can trust him not to do it anymore. I'm okay with the pot but not anything else.


Sorry this is such a short chapter! Next chapter is going to be filled!


Prisoner -Neil Westfall-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora