Chapter Eight

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My mouth drops to the floor seeing my club house a mess. It was dark and all the curtains were shut. I walk outside for just one second to look at the front of the building. It was the club house but why was it so dusty and not taken care of? I ran my fingers through my hair confused. Where the hell is everyone?

I go back inside to search for someone. I looked in all the rooms, bathrooms and in the back. No one. I walk to the booze, I pop open the whiskey and pour me some. I take a deep breath before taking to whole bottle inside, I just poured to the couch. I crash down making myself comfortable. I think to myself.

"What the fuck happened." I take a deep drink of the whiskey before I heard the door open and see Oliver walk through.

"Neil.." He says shockingly in his thick British accent.

"Where the fuck is everybody?" He stopped where he was and didn't say one word. "Wait, how did you get out of prison?" Oliver had the biggest record out of all of us.

"I never even went. He only locked up you. We were only in there for a few days." I knit my eyebrows.

"No, no, no. He locked up-" I stop to think. He was right. I didn't see one of the club members in there. "Fuck.." I couldn't close my mouth still surprised.

"How did you get out?" I glare at him.

"Good behavior. Where is everyone Oli."

"Their at home with their families." I nod looking away.

"So why the fuck...Call a meeting. Starts at 6. Don't tell them I'm here. Understand me?" I step up to Oliver. I saw him clench his jaw then nod. I pat his check then walk towards the back where my bike was. "Nice seeing you again Oliver."

I see my bike covered by a black cover. I slowly walk up to it and grab a hold of the sheet. It was so beautiful. I smile a little from just it's site. I pull out my chain with all my keys on it; both house keys, club house keys, car keys, and bike keys. I sit on it and slowly insert the key. I turn it on and feel the vibrations run through my body. I smile bigger hearing her roar. I was so ready to ride again. I missed it all.

I push off a little going to ride but then I was stopped once I felt one tire flat. My mouth drops to the ground seeing the tire blown out.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I turn off the bike getting off too. I saw I had a gas leak and popped tire. I scratch my beard then almost pull my hair out. I go into the storage to pull out a new tire but I freeze remembering about the leak. I had to get it to a mechanic.

I quickly call one to get it towed before the meeting. It took an hour and a half just to get one little thing fixed. It was bull shit. And the guy totally over charged me. By the time I settled all of that I was riding my beauty. I was not wearing my helmet so I could feel the cool breeze through my hair and on my face. I smile starting to speed up a little.

I pull up to the club house to see all sorts of bikes parked. I go around back so no on will see me. I couldn't wait for what was about to happen. I make my way in and before I enter the room everyone was sitting at I hear one of the members say, "What are we doing here Oli?" That was my time to shine.

I stand in the door way smiling, "Hello boys'." Everyone looked at me from turning around or holding up their heads. The room was full with fear and I loved it. The one thing I noticed was that Trevor was not in the room. I slowly inch my way towards the empty chair in the front. I sit looking around at everyone. I lean over to Oli who was sitting next to me and whisper in his ear, "Where is Wentworth?"

"I don't know how to tell you this without you getting angry but he left right after he got out of the hospital." I knew if he left, Kat left. I nod trying not to show how I really felt. I was quiet for a little too long.

"N-Neil.. Wh-What are you doing here?" Matty asked.

I smirk, "Better question yet, why the fuck haven't you guys been here? This place looks like shit!" I stand slamming my hands on the table hard. "Tell me why y'all aren't at the club house? I understand family comes first, but look that this shit hole! Tell me what has been going on?" Nobody spoke up. "I'm waiting!" Still no one. "I will put you all through this fucking wall if-"

Oliver stepped up for everyone else, "Nothing. We have done nothing. We got out of the drug and gun rage. Distanced our self from everyone." I was surprised.

"For 4 fucking years?"

"Yes Neil. For 4 fucking years.  We have families and a life to live for-"

"YOU DON'T THOUGH!! That's the funny thing about this. When you joined the club, you dedicated yourself to the club. To the presidents. And right now I'm the president. So you are devoted to me! Do you understand that you fucking shits?!" Oliver started getting frustrated. He growled and stood.

"You were gone for years!"

"I DON'T CARE! THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOU LEAVE OR GIVE UP ON THE FUCKING CLUB!! I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU!" Nothing was said. I knew I got through to them.  And I meant it when I said I would kill them. I am in the club forever. "Do you understand me?"

"Yes," I saw Oli glare at me.

"Now, here is how it is going to be from now on; If you are not here before 11 in the morning, if you disobey me, if you think my rules are too much I'll kick your ass. If you think you want out, if you want to go home before a job is done, if you want to back talk me I'll kick your ass. Things are going to change around here. I've changed."


Sorry this took so long to post. I have the chapters done I just had a bad few weeks. And this week my cat died so I've been crushed about that.

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