Pretty Boy-Taeil(1)

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(A/N: you know what I'm just gonna give the protagonist a name soooooo yeah)

Moon Taeil, the boy everyone—well not everyone but every girl, thought was cute. He's a very particular kind. Not handsome. Not "sexy." But Pretty. A very pretty boy. All girls had the biggest crushes on him except only a few. And a few is like, pfft, two or three?

Most guys envied him. Mostly because every time they were turned down by a girl was because the girl probably had a crush on Taeil or claimed that they were going to marry Taeil one day in the near future.

Every girl was in love with him. Taeil loved that he was at least liked in his school, but being loved by so many girls was overwhelming for him. He didn't love them as much as they loved him.

He just wanted to at least graduate from high school and hopefully go to a good college. "I just don't know what to do anymore, they follow me everywhere!" He complained to one of his best friends about his problem. "I don't want to tell them that I think that they are annoying then everyone will think I'm mean.." he said and began to pull at his hair. His friend, Taeyong laughed at him a bit.

"Dude, basically every girl here is in love with you! Soak it up a bit." He patted Taeil's shoulder. Taeil groaned and shook his head no at Taeyong.

"You know I can't do that! Someone's going to end up hurt," he propped his head up on his desk and held his head in his hand. "besides," he paused a bit as he focused his eyes on a girl that sat a few rows in front of him, his lips curling into a smile. "I already have my eyes on someone special." He said and sighed as she pulled a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Ooh yeah, I forgot that you had a crush on her. What's her name again? Nan MinSun?" He guessed but got her name wrong. Taeil rolled his eyes.

"Cho BoRa, the girl you just named doesn't even go to the school anymore." Taeil said and Taeyong's face turned a slight pink in embarrassment.

"Sorry, that's the girl I liked three years ago.." he said. "But that's when we were in ninth, she already graduated.." he said and looked away.

While staring at his crush he could see the infamous Jung Jaehyun walk around the doorway. Taeil immediately frowns towards him but he tries to make it look like he's not looking at him. Even though he wasn't infamous to everyone else since he's always been that nice and popular boy, he is to Taeil. The infamous Jung Jaehyun.

Jaehyun has a crush on BoRa too and the way BoRa acted around him sent off alarms that she felt the same way. It was horrible to watch him flirt with her, well to Taeil. Everyone else thought they would make a cute couple.

There are rumors that BoRa feels the same way but Taeil prays to God that those rumors aren't true. He's felt like this towards her for a few years now but he's too scared to actually tell her that he loves her.

"A frown doesn't look good on you," Taeyong said. Taeil frowned even more as he saw Jaehyun smile over at BoRa and he began to walk over to her. He sat down in the empty desk beside her. Taeil mentally cringed as he began to try and use his flirting skills on BoRa.

"Well, you can blame this frown on Jaehyun." Taeil grumpily said as he sat back in his chair and folded his arms. He never particularly hated Jaehyun but he hated how he liked the same girl he liked. Jaehyun doesn't even know about Taeil's crush on BoRa and Taeil didn't plan on telling him about it either.

Taeyong chuckled. "Now, don't tell me your jealous of Jaehyun?" Taeil's eyes opened wide and he turned around to stare at Taeyong like he was crazy. "Why would I be jealous of him?" He said and jabbed his thumb back in Jaehyun's direction.

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