Fleeting-Yuta[REQUESTED]Pt. 2/3

1.1K 19 11

(a/n: part twooo🤗🤗🤗

i also want to ask a question.....how did we hit 74K?

what type of sorcery is this????))



"And then you take the blah blah blah and add it with the other blah blah ba blah blah," I zoned out from whatever Mrs. Hwa was saying.

My mind was filled with random thoughts. Most of them being about Junseo and (Y/N). To be honest with myself, I didn't like their relationship.

I know Junseo has something up his sleeve. He always has some type of ulterior motive for his actions. (Y/N) really believes that he is the one, and I don't want to burst her bubble.

But she's been in this situation multiple times before. Every guy she has been with has broken her heart. They all secretly just wanted to get closer to her sisters. But she falls for it every time.

She never listens to me when I tell her she deserves better than random guys.

But she'd only brush me off with the friend zone if I told her how I really felt.

My eyes snapped to the boy who was dozing off in a seat a few seats away from mine. Junseo was always like this, I always worried about his grades before I knew what he was like.

He's always falling asleep in classes and slacking off on school work. He never takes notes and is always asking others to copy theirs.

'How could she pick him? Out of all of the hardworking guys in our grade, she chose him?' I sighed to myself.

I worry for (Y/N) as well. I always wonder when she's gonna stop this hunt for a boyfriend. It brings nothing but pain to her.

She's always acting like it doesn't bother her. (Y/N) likes to keep her feelings bottled up and she doesn't tell me everything that's on her mind. Even though I'd like for her so I could help her, I respect her reasons and I never pressure her to tell.

But I can't help but worry about her mental health. I worry about her outlook on men as well. What will all these failed relationships do to her impression of men?

What if she stops hanging out with me because of this? I can't have that. She's everything to me. I've known her for so long, I really can't afford to have her leave me. My heart can't afford that.

I've grown so fond of her, I couldn't help but let these feelings surface. I need to tell her how I feel before it's too late.


Soon the bell rang and finally I was free from Mrs. Hwa's boring class. Even though I want to fall asleep in her class, I try to stay up so I don't miss anything.

When I looked back at Junseo's desk he was already gone.

'He's probably going to go see (Y/N) or something..' I thought to myself. Even I knew that was wrong. I know he wasn't doing that.

He had to be causing some type of trouble. I hurried to get out of the classroom before Junseo got too far.

I looked around the hallways and looked around for him, but he was nowhere to be seen. I shrugged it off and began walking to find (Y/N). But I stop walking as I hear someone calling Junseo's name.

"Junseo! Hey, what class do you have next?" I looked up to see Junseo being stopped by some girl. She had her arm wrapped around his and he didn't push her away or anything.

But instead, he smirked and winked at her. "Let's just say, I don't have one.."

She giggled and nodded. She whispered something so I couldn't quite make out what she said. But they both laughed and looked at each other weirdly.

"Go get em' tiger," she said and patted his back as he walked away.

He's up to something.

I decided to follow him. I didn't care if I was late or missed my next class, he's up to no good. (Y/N)'s could be hurt in the process.

He walked out the hallway and into the second year's hallway, which is exactly where Aeri is.

'What is he thinking?' I thought to myself.

I had to keep my distance away from him so he wouldn't suspect a thing. The entire hall was cleared out and as we neared the corner to the classrooms, I hid behind the walls and peeked out.

I could see Aeri running to get to her locker. She was probably late for her class. She opened her locker and start grabbing her stuff frantically.

Junseo started to chuckle, catching Aeri's
attention. "What are you in a rush for?" He said all sly. Aeri looked at him but continued to get her stuff.

"Um, shouldn't you be with (Y/N)?" she asked him making him shrug.

"I'd rather be with you," he said and inched closer to her. I could see in her movements that she was obviously uncomfortable. She tried to get her stuff in her bag quicker the closer he got.

"I—I have a class to get to so, I'll see you l-later," She said and hurried to get up and grab her stuff.

Closing her locker, she tried to turn the other way and walk away but he was already in reach of her.

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her into him. He pressed her up against her own locker. "Where are you going? I thought you wanted this?" He said to her. I clenched my fists just watching this happen to one of my friends.

I hurried to take out my phone to record this. (Y/N) needs to see this.

"I saw the way you were looking at me, you clearly were wanting me. How are going to try to run away now?" I could hear Aeri whimpering and she shut her eyes as she scrunched her face away from his.

"Come on, just give me one kiss," He slowly leaned in and tried to press his lips on her.

'I need to jump in and stop this.." I thought to myself.

I walked out of my spot and started walking towards them. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I yell at him. They both looked towards me. "Get off her!"

He glared directly at me. "Just who do you
think you are? Move along," he turned to look back at Aeri.

He started to move in close to her. I started running towards them. When I reached them I  pushed him off of her and he went tumbling to the ground with a loud thud.

I hurried to grab Aeri's hand and we ran off in the other direction. I looked down at my phone and stopped recording.

I need to show this to (Y/N). She needs to know the truth about him.


(a/n: IM SORRY THIS IS COMING OUT SO LATE, tbh i really didn't have the motivation


i'm sorry if it's not really that good, i was rushing to get it out but you know🤷🏽‍♀️))


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