A Little Bit of Pocky

Start from the beginning

We are striving to become pro heroes after all. Would he be willing to face scrutiny just for me? Sure we're best friends.. and now even more than that. But will he really put himself on the line for me?

He was taken abruptly from his thoughts by a smack to the head from Bakugo, his eyes now challenging and fierce.
"Did you even hear what pinky said, dumbass?" Bakugo growled, but he could tell there was no malice behind his words.

"No, sorry! I guess I'm just a bit tired. What did you say Mina?"

Mina huffed, then repeated her idea for a game.

"I saw this in a teen magazine! I was reminded of it when I unpacked my purse." She dropped the red packages of pocky onto the floor in the middle of their circle. "I was thinking we could play the pocky game!"

"The fuck is that?" Bakugo muttered, leaning over so that his shoulder rested against Kirishima's. His eyes showed clear exhaustion, it was unlike Bakugo to stay up so late, and they all knew this.

Mina grinned brightly. Opening a box and holding up a stick of the chocolate coated cookie. "Both people puts an end in their mouth." She stuck an end of it into the mouth of Denki, who happened to be on her right. "Then you both have to get as close to the middle of the stick as you can. The first person to break off is the loser, and whoever gets the closest wins!" She muttered the next bit, "If you end up kissing then it's a tie... at least that's how I read it anyways!"

"That's stupid." Bakugo snarled, shifting his weight so he was leaning even more against Kirishima's side, his head lolled onto the red head's shoulder. Eijiro felt his senses burning, a surge of happiness and excitement pulsing through him that it seemed only Bakugo could cause.

"It's not stupid!" Mina scowled, her eyes angry as she turned to root through her magazine pile.

"We should just have a pocky eating contest instead." Kaminari said through a mouthful of the treat.

"I'd be down for that." Sero chirped, then glancing at Mina's furious expression, he added, "but we should all play Mina's game first, it's not like we'd use all 5 boxes anyways."

"Whatever." Bakugo's voice came muffled through Kirishima's shirt. Kirishima glanced down at him, his eyes were closed as he pressed his face into Kirishima's shoulder. Kirishima couldn't help the squeeze of his heart, Bakugo looked so adorable like this.

Testing his luck with a tired Bakugo had proven to be dangerous in the past, but he doubted the fiery tempered boy had enough energy to really care. Kirishima shifted his weight and slithered his free hand up the back of Bakugo's shirt, his fingers slowly massaging the tense, firm muscles on his lower back. He felt Bakugo shiver under him and his head lifted a bit off of his shirt, irritation glowing in his now more alert eyes. Without breaking eye contact, Kirishima let the tips of his fingers lightly graze over his shoulders, running ever so gentle circles over him. A surge of triumph rushed to his head as he felt him tremble slightly under his touch. A cocky look must have flashed over the red head's face as Bakugo hissed out a warning between clenched teeth, small explosions popping from his clenched fists.

"So it's settled then!" Mina grinned, clapping her hands. "Let's go around the circle!" Mina pulled another stick out of the box, placing one end in Denki's mouth, and bringing her lips to touch the other end. Jiro had opened her eyes at this point, watching them silently. In fact, all of them were watching now. Kirishima paused his hand movements and instead slipped his hand out of the other boy's shirt.

The two had barely gotten close to one another when Mina snapped her small piece off and pulled away, a blush on her face as the group erupted into laughter. Denki shoved the rest of the cookie into his mouth, a cheeky grin cast over his features before he asked, "So who's turn is it now?"

Mina shuffled through her girly magazine. "It doesn't say how to play in a group, so I'm making this up as I go along."

"Why don't we just let the winners move forward in the game?" Jiro's voice was bored as she picked up a stick of the chocolate covered biscuit. "Denki" Kaminari's eyes widened a fraction as she said that, but turned to face her nevertheless. The two made it all the way to the middle, their lips brushing slightly before they broke apart shyly.

"So it's a tie!" Mina shrieked, writing it down on her kitten shaped sticky note pad. "Now it's Sero's turn!" Sero blushed slightly, picking up a stick. He looked across the circle at Mina, a sad look in his eyes as he no doubt regretted not sitting next to her.
"So do I get to choose who to compete against, or do I have to do it with... him..."


The entire room burst into hysterics, while Bakugo still raged on, his eyes burning with fury.

Sero rolled his eyes, muttering a "fine," while placing the stick into his mouth and leaning over to Bakugo. Bakugo's face contorted into a mix of confusion and disgust. "This is stupid." He growled, taking one end into his own mouth. The two moved up the stick, but when their noses were close to brushing, Sero snapped his teeth shut and jerked his head away, pieces of cookie falling onto the pink plush carpet. Bakugo pulled back, a triumphant gleam in his eyes as he shoved the rest of the stick into his mouth, chewing violently.

"Bakugo wins!"

"I alwash win" Bakugo interrupted with a mouthful of cookie.

"So now Bakugo is against Kirishima!"

Bakugo shrugged, his lips twitching slightly as he leaned forwards to grab a cookie.

Kirishima felt his body light up with excitement. This game was going to be fun after all.

Bakugo turned to face him, placing the edge of the stick in between his straight white teeth, his lips resting just above them. Kirishima felt himself blush, melting into a stutter as the whole room looked at him.

Bakugo waggled the cookie up and down between his teeth, his eyes seemed more playful than he was used to.

"Come on Kirishima! If I can do it you can too!" Sero's voice called out.

Kirishima took a steadying breath. Come on Eijiro. He though to himself. Bakugo kissed you in front of everyone at the restaurant, why is this so nerve wracking?

Kirishima placed his lips on the edge of the cookie, his eyes meeting with Bakugo's as they moved closer and closer towards each other. Kirishima felt his heart pounding in his ears, as their noses touched. Bakugo didn't back down though, so neither would Kirishima.

Tilting his head as their lips drew closer, he felt his heart lurch when Bakugo fisted his hand into the material of his Crimson Riot shirt. Pulled impossibly closer, their lips finally met, the cookie cracking under their combined pressure. Bakugo's lips were soft, and Kirishima couldn't help threading a hand into his soft blonde hair as Bakugo shoved him down into the carpet, his lips dominating him in a way that made him melt.

"You guys... I think it's a tie..." Kaminari's voice barely made it through the haze of Kirishima's mind. Bakugo pulled off him, dragging the back of his hand over his mouth. They were both breathing heavily, and Bakugo's eyes were burning into him in a way Kirishima recognized from Hero Development Day.

Bakugo wanted him.

The next chapter is NSFW! Thanks for reading this far everyone, I love all of your support! ❤️💪🏻

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