Chapter 59: Something's happening? Wow, took you long enough.

Start from the beginning

He shook his head, putting those selfish thoughts in the back of his mind.

He was doing it for a new glory, one brought by him, yes, but one for the entire world.

The one who opened his eyes was his advisor.

Hilde Val.

She had looked at him just once and with that, she managed to discern the truth within his heart.

Not only did she do that, but she also showed it back to him.

And said:

"I will help you attain it, My King."

For a time, he was full of doubts and he even berated himself sometimes just for letting himself think about it.

'It would cost so much.'

He would tell himself.

"A life under two shadows, one expired and one that keeps growing is much worse".

But then she would say such thing.

He felt disgusted hearing her reducing them to simple shadows, but her words were filled with truth.

So much truth.

Was it so bad to want to be something more?

After all, he had endured many battles and saved many more lives.

He had walked beside a Saintess in her heroic path.

And if it was not for him, said Saintess would have died before doing her miracle.

After that, he became a king and shouldered part of the great responsibilities that weighted on the Saintess, all while she paraded around.

But he still was overshadowed.

He was still behind them.

And why? Why weren't his actions recognized when he had done so much?

Why the Goddess didn't consider him?

Were those actions not enough?

Even a baby was more worthy than him...

If so, he only needed to do something bigger.

Something worthy of the recognition he deserved.

Hilde opened the door for that.

Her vast knowledge even seemed more than someone her age could attain, but she was heralded as a prodigy among the scholars of many places, including the Nerinum Magic Academy, so it was to be expected.

She had brought his attention to things he would have never thought to exist.

Like a certain mineral that could hold similar power to one of legend if treated correctly.

Yet, that was but one of the things she had shown him.

There were more.

So, he kept quiet and waited for the right moment, all as he silently prepared the stage.

Indeed, he had been preparing even before his eldest son returned to the capital.

And he also knew that he would be an obstacle.

He was too similar to his mother in some ways and to him in others.

The good ways.

Of course, he was his own man before such similarities, a man that would probably try to stop him the moment he knew of his plans.

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Where stories live. Discover now