
"In Africa there's a tribe that says anyone who wears a fern let's people know they've gone through difficulties, they've endured adversities. The two I'm getting represent me and Anissa."

"Endured what?" Louis asks in confusion.

"Misfortune," Millet answers for me since he's already heard my reasoning behind the fern design,"Tribulations, hardships, difficulties."

"Thank you Miram Webster," Louis tells Millet before looking over at me,"What difficulties have you had huh," Louis laughs

"More then you know," I tell him.

"So is this suppose to be romantic then? You guys have both gone through fucked up shit and this fern is going to remind you of that for the rest of your lives?" Louis says.

"It's not just a symbol of adversities, it's also a symbol of two disparate people crossing paths and coming together in the middle. And the fronds mean.."

"I don't speak flower, say it in English," Louis interrupts clenching his fists as the tattoo gun grazes his nerve.

"Frond is the little leaf things that stretch out from the center," I explain,"Anyway, it means new life or a new beginning. Basically what I'm trying to tell her with these matching ferns, her ring and my tattoo, is that even though we're two different people from different paths we came together for a reason. And together we can endure anything life throws at us, because our love is that strong. I know our love is that strong. I'm not saying we're the perfect couple or anything, and I know that marriage isn't easy, but I also know that we can make it. Because like ferns that have been destroyed even the most harshest of ways, they always seem to grow back."

"Wow that is actually...romantic in a deep over analytical way," Louis says looking over at me with a pleased expression," Personally I don't think I'd ever be able to come up with something like this."

"Neither would I," Millet chimes in, followed by Mark.

"Well I guess Anissa is going to be one lucky girl because you Styles are one special fern among the common of weeds," Louis says trying to be genuine. His comment actually making me feel better the before, making me feel less crazy.

I pull my phone out and text Nicky my delivery boy asking him to pick up some lunch for Anissa and her family since this tattoo is a lot larger then I remembered it, meaning it'll take longer to finish. After hitting send I text Anissa a quick message to see how she's feeling but without a response I lay my phone back down at my side before dozing off.

Anissa's POV

22 April, 11

my beloved, sweet Gem in the sky

I'm writing this letter through my self inflicted pain with shakey hands and broken fingers to you because I have run out of things to do to deal with the anger and hate I have toward myself. Maybe writing to you will help me get all the secrets I have in my head out.

I'm so angry, that I vomit at the sight of myself, my own voice making me cringe. Simply put - Id end my very own life right now if I wasn't so selfish, so afraid. I know that at least while I'm living I can write to you, to pray to you, but if I were to die I'd go straight to hell.

I stare daily at the only photo I have of you. You look so small, so fragile. You're only a month in the photo and yet here you are, connected to a machine with the sweetest smile my eyes have ever laid upon. I stare at this photo and wish over and over again that I had been there for you.

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