Chapter 23.

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Authors Note

This chapter is dedicated to @iCanttChange ❤️

Follow my Instagram: @EatReadWriteRepeat for edits & update info.


Don't forget to VOTE/COMMENT please (:

Anissa's POV

I roll over in bed, feeling a sudden emptiness when I flutter my eyes open and see that Harry really did sleep on the floor.

So much for not needing him.

I slowly sit up and see that Harry's knees are raised seeing as his legs are longer then the width of the floor, but despite the uncomfortable position he's fast asleep with his mouth wide open. I cover my mouth to conceal my laugh so that I don't wake him.

I slowly step off the bed and onto the floor space near Harry's head that he isn't occupying, standing on my tippy toes I reach across the shelf to retrieve my backpack slowly sliding it over. Just as I almost have it I hear Harry laugh making me freeze, dropping the backpack onto his face.

"What a beautiful way to wake up," He tells me sarcastically, tossing my backpack to his side, "You do realize the second I opened my eyes your ass was in plain view right?"

"I thought you were sleeping!" I yell slapping his arm as he takes a seat on the bed.

"I was! But it's a little hard to sleep when all I could hear was your zipper scraping across that shelf," he says as he rubs his eyes.

"You didn't have to look."

"You didn't have to drop a backpack full of shit on my face either," he shoots back, no hint of playfulness showing.

"You didn't have to sleep on the floor," I tell him a little more quietly.

I don't even know what happened last night, one minute he's holding me close and the next he's sleeping on the floor.

Harry doesn't answer instead he lays back onto the bed with his hands on his face letting out a loud sigh.

"What's wrong?" I ask sliding onto the bed next to him.

"Nothing," he answers in a muffled voice through his hands.

"Really because it seems like something. Just tell m..."

"No more questions.It's NOTHING," Harry snaps rolling over turning his back to me, "I literally woke up two seconds ago for fucks sake. Can you just give me a minute to myself?"

Harry's words hurt me more than they should. After all this is what I wanted isn't it? For Harry to leave me alone. Usually I'm the one with attitude, so having the tables turned is a bit of a shock.

I decide to get up and change to grab some breakfast like I had originally planned to before Harry woke up.

"If you're leaving the room I suggest you wear something dick friendly, no one needs a boner while they're trying to enjoy their cereal. Maybe you should try wearing something that's oh I don't know not straight off the Victoria Secret runway. It's a bit much," He tells me as I unzip my backpack, his back still facing me, "Either way just know I won't be there to sav.."

"You won't be there. I got it," I huff cutting him off. This side of Harry reminds me of when I first ran into him.

This isn't the Harry I want, but maybe that's a good thing.

I don't want to want Harry at all.

I quickly change into a white tank top and black yoga pants, before hastily braiding my hair in order to control it's messiness. I grab my phone, and step out into the hallway without another word to Harry.

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