Chapter 9- Percy vs soul reaper/ Ryker vs Chaos

Start from the beginning

Shocked Ryker looked at his hand and body feeling the power leave again. Artemis coming over as the armies charged again at each other, "What was that?" Ryker went to say something but saw the crazy Latino kid who was always on fire, running over he pushed him over turning back to a empusi  that stood before him feeling power again course through his veins he burned the monster to the ground in a matter of seconds, his body again feeling the energy leave. Ryker figured it out.

"Olympus to battle! your end, big boy!" Chaos charged back at him throwing the same trick he did the last time to beat the assassin, Ryker held his swords up withstanding the energy blast as it got absorbed into his body, his heart raced as if caffeine was injected into his blood stream seeing a confused Chaos he shot the energy right back at its owner, an explosion shook the battlefield sending many half blood and monsters through the air but leaving an untouched creator in defense position. "I see, by not giving your half blood line a trait it mimics whatever it comes into contact with at first...should have just killed you from the start."

Ryker charging back at him, "You shouldn't have fucked with my family." clashing blades as the enemy started to use internal ballistic chaos to increase his physical strength in speed Rykers body again copied the effect and as their swords broke and reconnected the assassin could feel the resurgence of power again and again, figuring out that after broken contact it lasts for about a second and a half..."I'll have to make it work."


Percy slowly opened his eyes, finding himself to be on a grayish red surface, the last thing he remembered was grabbing his sword and then the lights went out, he got to his feet looking around he was confused and his eyes strained to see what he saw....

He was standing on the sky. Everything was upside down for him as a battle froze in motion was on above him, "looks like you're finally awake." turning around seeing the blade he tried so hard to grab float and pulsate dark circles above him and standing under it was a dark hooded figure, only the bottom part of his face showing. 

Percy's head started to throb as he tried to remember who this person was, as something seemed so familiar about him but he couldn't figure it out even though the answer felt like it was on the tip of his tongue. 

"Who are you?" he simply asked rubbing his head with one hand.

"Do you really not remember?" the voice said back as the being slowly tilted its head back Percy caught a good look at his face and got his breath stuck in his throat. "That makes no're... me."

stood before him was a copy of Perseus with almost everything switched. instead of green eyes they were red, the white of his eyes were black as well,  no black hair it was a stunning white. "Close but not quite."

Percy shook his head not knowing what he meant, than he gambled on a question, "'re Soul Reaper." 

His crooked  smile that used to go a certain way on Percy's face went a different angle on Reaper's. "Perceptive as you always were son of the creator." 

Percy sneered, "If I took hold of you than why aren't we where the battle is?" Soul Reaper laughed as the world around him shook and his voice resonated deep and power "One honorable ruler shall take hold of me." Percy held his ground and acted unphased to intimidate and replied, "Trial by battle? And if I win, that's it we go back to the battle?" 

" win." was Soul Reapers only reply. Percy looked at him and the entity continued to explain anyway, "If I win, few things might happen." 


"Well one of them will if defeat comes, the choice isn't mine. If I win your options are to bow to me and I shall absorb you and live in the world as you, your soul dead but your body mine. I will rule as I see fit after I slaughter your father." In Percy's head the voids warning rang in his ears, 'not if it consumes you' "You're second option I can take the person you love the most, and by scanning your heart-" He held up his left hand which was inside a terrifying looking gauntlet while his other hand went bare, in his left hand a silver flame appeared in his hand and Soul Reaper grinned maniacally at Percy who was getting scared of what he might do if Percy lost and had to choose. "You're third option is a bit more forgiving than the rest, I take a fifth of your life span off."

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