Chapter 11 - Dawn of the Driscoll

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In science classroom

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"On All Hallow's Eve, prepare to be scared witless... At the Whoopee World Halloween Fright-tacular! One fright only." The voice over of the Whoopee world, Halloween addition said from Howard's phone. Randy said; "So, Boo-ce. Do you get it? Boo-ce!"

"Got it the first time. Still Stupid." Howard said. I said; "Well I didn't understand a word you guys said. And what is this Halloween everyone keeps talking about?"

"Have you've always lived under a rock?" Randy said. I just kept looking at them. Howard said; "You really don't know? It's one of the brucest holidays to exist. Dressing up and wearing costumes, scaring others, going to fright festivals and the best part is Free Candy!"

I didn't get it. Ms. Driscoll enters the classroom, carrying a big box with things. Mr. Driscoll saying; "Morning, class. Morning, Gerry."

"Why are those lips talkin' instead of kissin'?" Gerry said. They both air quote 'kiss each other.' The guys and I give each other a look at each other with the awkwardness. Mrs. Driscoll said; "With Halloween a week away, I thought we'd celebrate by growing our very own Vitis Odor Mortis."

"The Smell of Death Vines." Gerry said. Ms. Driscoll said to me; "Since your partner is sick, you will work on your own."

She placed the plant on my table. As she walks away, I smell the plant. Jeesh. Howard said; "Smells like old man breath."

"It smells like tartar sauce." I said. Randy said; "I was gonna go with meat farts."

"Follow these directions exactly." Mrs. Driscoll said as she went to her desk. Gerry said; "Or your plant will look like me."

"Two cups of water per day. One scoop of plant food every hour. Alternate sunlight and shade. This is simple enough." I said as I read out loud. I heard the guys reading. Randy said; "No, this is way too complicated. It's a plant."

"I know. Let's just put all the water and plant food in now." Howard said. Randy said; "Howard, we just outsmarted nature."

If only Mother Nature was here. She would punch them in the face.

The next week, Halloween

(Halloween costume – Artist/ painter

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(Halloween costume – Artist/ painter.)

"Aw, my little Petunia. Look at how you've grown. You're leaves are looking greener than before." I said to my plant as I was walking to the classroom. I enter the classroom as I saw red rays coming out of the Ninja's hand. Wait, why is he the Ninja now? I protect my Petunia and shouted; "What is going on?!"

As the rays stopped coming out of his hands and he falls down, I ran next to the Ninja, holding onto my plant. I went next to the dizzy Ninja to help him up as I said; "Are you alright?"

Howard, dressed as Viceroy and I help him up, one arm each. As we walk next to their desk, Howard said; "It'll be worth it when we're at Whoopee World, and - Oh, come on!"

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