"I'll explain in a minute." I reply.

Suddenly I stop. We're in front of Junk and Stuff.

"Kid Danger, what's going on? Why are we at Junk and Stuff? And how did you run so fast?"

"One second Piper." I say. I pull her into the shop. I tap my com. "Now Schwoz!"

Immediately the store is incased in a glowing blue forcefield.

I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Kid Danger, what's going on?"

I hesitate for a moment before removing my mask.

Piper's jaw basically hit the floor.

"Henry?" She asked, obviously still in shock.

"Ya." I reply.

She quickly regained her swagger and marched up to me.


"Did you just slap me?" I yell, touching my sore cheek.

"That was for not telling me you're Kid Danger!" She snapped. "Now, tell me what's going on!"

I take a step back before beginning to explain.

After about 10 minutes of explaining everything, we had ended up sitting against the counter on the floor.


"So everyone we know who's not Jasper, Charlotte and that dude Schwoz, are gone?" She asked.

"Ya." I replied stoically.

"Mom and dad?"


"And you have super speed now?" She asked.


"So what are we going to do?" She asked.

"We're going down to the Man Cave and talk with Schwoz. He might know how to fix this." I explain.

I help her up before heading to the lift.

As we enter the lift, I quickly remember.

"You might want to hold onto something."

"I've ridden an elevator before." She says.

"Ya, ok." I say. I press the button and suddenly we're launched down the elevator shaft.

I've obviously gotten used to the speed, but Piper, not so much.

She screams as she's lifted off her feet.

Then boom, we're on the ground.

"What the hell!" She yells.

"Ya, you'll get used to it." I say. I help her up and lead her into the Man Cave.

Jasper was relaxing on the couch with an ice pack on his legs, while Charlotte pumped on the bike. Schwoz was tinkering on a small device.

"Schwoz," I say, "what are we going to do?"

He looks up.

"I don't know. The store and all of the Cave are on lockdown, but don't worry the doors or tubes, can be unlocked with an access code. I'm making a machine that can cause the bike to be always pumping so we have power." Schwoz explains.

"Yes, but what can we do about the virus monster invasion?" I ask.

He goes silent before sighing.

"We can't. I have no idea how to cure all those people. Obviously the cure didn't work."

"That's the thing, it did." Schwoz looked at me with a confused look.

Henry Danger OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now