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He moved to the bed, tugging my hand silently telling me to follow him and I did silently. Once we were seated on the bed, he took both my hands in his and sighed before he cleared his throat and began.

"For years, the Andersons' and our family had been foes. Our great grandfathers were mafia dons back then but over the years, we have been changing our ways, with our ties to the mafia weakening with each generation." He started, shocking me with this revelation. But despite my shocked state, I kept calm, even though I was raging on the inside. He was a part of the Mafia? I was involved with a gangster? What had I gotten myself into?

He looked at me, watching my reaction from his revelation and I guess from his shocked gaze, my reaction was not what he expected. Guess am getting better at putting on a facade. Clearing his throat again, he continued," Despite our family feuds, Steph and I became friends. In fact I could say we were more like best friends, or more like brothers. But he started becoming jealous of me. I didn't notice that he felt he came second to me, but everyone treated him apparently thought of him as my second in command, my wing man, my right hand man. 

The whole time I had no clue until he stole my first love from me and slept with her out of spite. Our friendship ended when I found out they had been cheating on me for almost three years. They took me as a fool." He said bitterly and i tightened my grip on his hands, smiling encouragingly at him. 

"But i thank God he stopped me from making the worst mistake in my life. You see, I was going to surprise my then girlfriend Brit since I had been away on business with my dad for three weeks and had planned on proposing to her. You can't imagine my devastation when i found them fucking on our bed. I stormed out after beating the shit out of him, leaving a bloody Steph behind and a crying Brit behind and drove to the middle of nowhere, only stopping when I saw a road side bar. It was there that I met the love of my life." He said smiling at the end, and although i was glad his story had a happy ending, I couldn't help but feel jealous of her. I quickly shook that thought away, probably the hormones messing with me.

"I then found out a few weeks later that Steph and Brit had been trying to subortage my company's biggest deals ever. They had been blackmailing my employees to get info. on our project but I beat them in their own game, sealing the deal a few weeks in advance. The dumbest decision I made was letting them go with barely a slap on the wrist, telling them that I never wanted to see them in my life ever again, but that all went down the drain when five years later, Steph murdered my father and uncles by messing with the controls of their flight. They hacked into the system, planting a virus that made the plane nose dive into the Pacific. I knew it was him because the hacker happened to work in his company, but he claimed that the hacker did it on his own accord, saying that the hacker had planned this as some sort of revenge against my family for turning him down when he wanted to work for us a few years back. It all seemed like a vague reason to me, but the jury believed him and he went free, smug for breaking our family and I thought that was the last I had heard of him but seeing him here with Cara means his planning something else." He finished and I held his hands tighter, trying to comfort him. I felt sorry for him and this whole situation. And I felt bad that Cara was doing this to them. But I couldn't help but think that maybe Cara's rebellious nature was her crying out for help. And Alex confronting her the way he did wasn't going to solve anything. I mean I knew how intense he could be especially about the things he loved passionately. I had experienced it first hand with the kids and lets not forget about my state at the moment.
" Am really sorry that you had to go through that and I know Stephan being here doesn't help ease the grief. But maybe, have you thought that Cara maybe acting out? I mean she has a reason for going behind your back to have a relationship with him." I tried to reason but Alex stood up, and started pacing up and down.
"But to go to the extent of getting engaged to our arch nemesis, that's just overboard. She knows that she can always come to us if she needs anything." He said running his hands through his hair making him more sexy.
I shook my thoughts away as this wasn't the appropriate time to think of how sexy he is but rather I helping him calm down.
I stood up and stopped him, taking his hands into my tiny ones and I nearly laughed at how comical it, or rather we looked.

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