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Dee's POV...

The next two days were super blissful to us. Apart from the morning sickness which had been taking a toll on me, and the dizzy spells that had Alex panicking, I was slowly getting used to everything that came with being with child.
The fact that his family, or as they insisted I call them, my family had been super supportive in every thing, to some point being overbearing, I don't think I could ask for more.

But everything went down hill when Cara finally graced us with her presence, bringing along someone I thought I'd never have the courtesy to see again in my life. And a present for the rest of the family.

We were busy enjoying an amazing time on the beach when Cara came in shouting, "What's up family!!" already dressed in a red bikini that brought out her curvy body.

We all turned, smile gracing our features until we saw her company.
Standing beside her in a matching bikini except it did nothing to her body, or am probably just hating was Miranda, Alex's ex fiancé. She had the audacity to even smirk when she saw me and as much as I was tempted to slap that smirk off her face but didn't want to give her the satisfaction of showing her that her presence or the mere thought that she was breathing the same oxygen as me was pissing me off, so I did the mature thing and smiled at her, adding a wave for extra effects and let me tell you, the expression on her face was extremely enjoyable.
Hah! Bet you didn't expect that biych!"
I thought to myself.
Standing besides them were two tall men, one had blonde hair slicked back with lots of gel, blue eyes and the whole six pack thing and maybe I'd have drooled if it wasn't for the fact that he was holding hands with Miranda. He also had a smug look like he knew he was hot, making him drop from a seven to a two.
But I think the highlight of the awkward moment was the fact that Cara had brought along her fiancé, whom Alex and the guys were yet to meet.

"And the war is about to begin.." Whispered Lessa as she sipped her mojito with a smirk, clearly enjoying the show.
"Alex is about to throw a fit." Added Essie and they both giggled at some internal joke, my curiosity about who the fiancé was peaking.
I turned to look at Alex and I was shocked to see him turning red with anger. He slowly got out of the water where the kids and the other men, the kids oblivious to the events unfolding.
My eyes followed his quick movements till he grabbed Cara by the arm and dragged her to the house, no one else daring to follow them. I did notice the prominent smirk on the both men, the most evident one being on Cara's fiancé.

Alex's POV...

I dragged Cara by the arm, ignoring her cries that I was hurting, which I knew were just her bratty cries but I couldn't care less. She had gone too far.

I released her when we were in the kitchen, dragging one of the kitchen stools for her to sit and I crossed my arms, looking like am about to scold Zoe and Zack after a naughty act. Only this one wasn't just a normal naughty act that your children pull on you.

"Explain yourself." I demanded, my stance not wavering as she tried to give me her puppy eyed look as she rubbed the arm I had grabbed.
"First of all, a hello would have been nice, especially since we haven't seen each other in two years." She said sarcastically.
"Two years that I regret not knowing what you have been up to. Stephen Anderson, really? Of all men?" I asked her seething.
"What? I love him. And before you start yes I know you guys are enemies but I thought this...our marriage would put your differences aside. Besides its not my fault that you became selfish that you didn't care what happened in your own families lives."

I admit I was guilty for keeping off my family but this, what she intended to do was probably going to be the worst mistake of our lives. She just didn't understand the consequences. She was still a child even at twenty one.

"So you decide to marry our family's arch nemesis? Just to get attention? I knew you were acting out because of dad, and we let that go but this...this is going to far Cara and even you know it." I scolded
"Don't bring dad into this. I know you've always wanted to be like dad but you aren't." She said and just then I had a slap echo in the room. I turned shocked, Cara holding her cheek and my mother seething with anger.
"Don't ever disrespect your brother like that. You should be thankful he's tolerated your absolence for so long. In fact we all have...if it wasn't for Alex here, we would have never have tolerated you for this long." My mother said, seething with anger and it scared me because things rarely got to her. She was always the calm one in the family. The rational one. Something that only Lessa got in our family. Cara and I were unfortunate to get our father's impulsive quick temper, which was why things had escalated to the point it had.
Cara, even after the slap didn't even have the audacity to look guilty. Instead she had the guts to look pissed like she had been the one offended.
"I knew getting married here was a mistake. We should have just gone to Vegas like Steph had suggested." She ranted.
"You do know he wants to marry you so he can have a share of the company right?" I asked her.
"Really? Does everything always have to be about business with you? Can't someone just actually love me?" She asked offended and I saw vulnerability in her eyes, which tugged at my heart.
Another thing we shared was that we rarely showed weakness. We were so stubborn that we rarely showed when we actually failed or felt something close to weakness or even admitting it. Lessa on the other hand was like our mother, always calm but she wasn't afraid to show when she was feeling weak or had failed and needed help. Something I secretly admired from her.

Cara's vulnerability showed me that I was using the wrong approach with her. Clearly Stephen had managed to get his dirty claws into her and once she set her mind on something, Cara rarely went off course. It was now my duty to make sure that Cara found out about what a snake that man was. And I would have to before the wedding.

"The least you can do is be happy for me. For us. Just once forget about business and think about your family. I mean I haven't judged you of the fact that you've brought a girl we barely know to our home and introduced her as the mother of your children, exposing even your own children. without knowing if she's trust worthy." She said trying to justify her actions.
"The difference is that unlike your fiancé, she has never tried to harm this family before." Came my mother's reply before she walked out of the room, leaving us, probably to go cool off.
"Am so disappointed in you. I hope you know what you've done to this family." I said before leaving a teary eyed Cara in the kitchen and headed to my room.

Dee's POV....

I watched as Ruby walked to the house, probably fearing for the argument taking a worse turn. From where we sat, we could see what was happening. A gasp left my mouth when I saw Ruby slap Cara and I felt the pain all the way from the intensity I could see. Things weren't going as well as I thought. I went to get up but Lessa held my arm, shaking her head.
"Trust me you don't wanna go in there yet." She said.
"I think she is the only one who can help calm them down." Added Essie and Zoe nodded in agreement.
"Okay. But scream my name in case of anything.." Said Lessa.
"I will. " I said as I stood and rushed to the house.

I went straight through the kitchen, finding Cara there. She turned to look at the door when it opened and I felt sorry for her but she looked at me coldly, her glare matching that of her brother so it didn't scare me as much.
"You." She started. But I cut her off before she could continue.
"Listen, whatever you have to DA save it if it isn't something nice. You have enough on your plate and you don't want to add me on that." Was all I said before i rushed to our room.

Yes. I forgot to mention that Alex and I share his room. And the bed. Though nothing has happened since we came.

I walks into the room, finding Alex standing next to the window.
I slowly walked to him, wrapping my hands around his waist, hugging him from behind.

We didn't say anything for a while, just stood there with him looking out and me leaning on his back with my eyes closed.

"I think i might have drove my sister to her own misery." He said so quietly that I barely heard.
"Why would you say that?" I asked.
He turned around and wrapped his arms around my shoulder, pulling me into a hug. I savoured his smell, calming down and i almost forgot why I was there in the first place.
"Are you in for a story?" He asked.

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