Chapter Eleven :Unexpected Guests

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It had been a whole week since the "incident" at the office.
To say I had been shaken up would be an understatement.
It played in my head like a broken record, as if trying to comprehend that that actually happened.
But the way my body still shivers from just thinking  about it, as if he was there actually touching me said otherwise.

I hated that guy. I hated him even more for making my body react to him in such a way. I mean I do admit, he was hot. In fact, he was extremely smoking hot. And no one can judge me for being attracted to him. However, being a twenty one year old virgin, I had always praised myself for having one of the greatest self control amongst my peers. And the display last week wasn't anywhere near self control.
However I couldn't help but feel proud for at least having a little control left to run from there just in time.
I had a feeling that the damned bastard enjoyed torturing me. He had it all planned out. In fact he saw no other way to win the argument, knowing am right and so he decided to resort to trying to seduce me, the damned bastard.

I threw the popcorns I was busy eating while indulging in some new series called Riverdale, and I have to admit despite the enthusiasm I had to watch it, my mind was too preoccupied for me to actually enjoy it.

I heard a knock on my door and the knock seemed agitated probably cause they had been knocking for a long time (and i wasn't in the right state of mind)  and were being impatient.
I was reluctant to go see who it was. I mean I wasn't expecting anyone and if my best friends had forgotten their spare keys they would have called me. Or maybe they had. I checked my phone to find no missed calls or text messages from either of them.
Speaking of my best friends, I was yet to tell them about the "incident". I can already imagine what their reactions would be or what they'd say.
Hamida would probably shrug and say she saw it coming while Liz would smirk and scold me for not jumping on him.
The door rapped again with the persistent knocks, cutting off my thoughts short.
With a sigh, I walked to the door and asked who it was.
"Ginny.." Said the voice on the other side of the door and I didn't hesitate to open it, inviting her into my home.
Its been a while since we saw each other though we talked almost every other day.
She was dressed in an impeccable black and white checked dress that reached the top of her knees and black stockings complete with a pair of black six inch stilettos. She had tied her hair up into a neat bun and had gone with minimum make up, having only applied foundation and mascara from what I could see.
I was surprised by her attire as she was never one to wear official clothes but I hadn't known her long so I can't really be in a position to judge.

"From your expression you must be shocked to see me in this.." She said as she got comfortable on the couch, gesturing to her clothes in disgust.
"Took the question right out of my mouth mamacita." I told her as I sat down beside her, pausing the series on TV.
"This is just the cherry on top of the stressful day I just had boo." She complained as she leaned back in the couch, throwing her shoes off her feet to wherever in the living room then put her stocking clad feet on top of my coffee table.
"Wanna talk about it?" I asked her, frowning with concern.
"My parents are in town." She replied and I instantly understood why she was in such a foul mood.
From the small time we've shared, I've come to learn that she doesn't have the best relationship with her parents. In fact she only tolerates them because they are her parents. Otherwise she'd have cut them off. I didn't know why they had such a volatile relationship and I didn't think it was my place to ask yet.
"Oh! I understand. Want to talk about it over coffee?" I asked getting up.
"Wine sounds better. Here, "she said pulling out five litre bottle of white wine and I wondered how she managed to fit that thing in her bag. Guess its true what they say about a woman's bag, its like a bottomless pit. I don't blame guys for being so damned scared of it.
Laughing, I went to the kitchen and got us tumblers cause glasses won't just do for the both of us and went back to sitting beside her. She opened the bottle, poured us each a cup full then passed me mine before taking a sip from her cup.

Let me tell you, am not a huge fan of wine since I prefer the hard stuff, but the moment the bittersweet taste hit my tongue, I felt the heavens open and angels sing. It was just what I needed. And if the sigh Gina released was anything to go by, she too felt the same way.

"They arrived yesterday and wanted to meet for lunch today. Which was basically code for we want to see what you've been up to and lecture you while dictating what you should do." She started her rant then took a huge gulp of her wine. Now I understood why she bought the five litre. But at this rate, I was afraid she would be tipsy even before the next thirty minutes.
"And to meet them you have to dress like that?" I asked her.
"Depends with the occasion." she replied with a sigh.
"Wow. They must be uptight."
"Uptight is an understatement. They are infuriating. Especially my mother. Oh! You have no idea how much I wish I could strangle some sense into her sometimes. Actually make that all the time. My mum is like Hitler reincarnate."
"Oh cmon she can't be that bad.." I tried to calm her.
"She's so much worse. Trust me my words don't do her justice. Its no wonder my sister chose to be disowned than to live by her rules." She said, revealing a bit about her life.
Like I said, she rarely spoke about her family or life before she came to Germany.
"And you know what's worse? She never even once tried to reach out to her, even when she was on her death bed. She didn't even allow us to go see her off properly. Or even once tried to reach out to her grandkids. But that's not shocking after all she didn't reach out to her own child, " she continued and I just let her rant, drinking my wine as I gave my friend my ears for the afternoon.
"How can someone be that cold to her own child?" She asked now turning to face me with teary eyes and I knew that the fact that her mother had abandoned her child hurt her more than anything else.
"You know, before she disowned my sister, I had the will to endure all kinds of shit she threw at us. Maybe its cause I knew I wasn't the only one. But then, she hit an all time low when she tried to force my sister into marrying some duke. My sister had fallen in love with someone else at the time but despite the guy's prestigious statue, my mom wanted nothing more than the prestigious title that came with her marrying the duke. My sister resorted to eloping to try and stop her but she went crazy and disowned her. Can you believe it?" She said tears falling from her eyes and I passed her the box of tissues I had on top of my coffee table.
"And you know, my sister tried, she really tried to reach out, but each time mum would find out, she'd flip and tell her to not call us again. And her being human, she grew tired of trying. So she did what everyone does. She fucking gave up. My mum didn't care that I had lost my only sibling in the process. She didn't care that she cut off the only legacy left of her first child. Because that's what she is. A monster in the shell of a woman." She said in between sniffs.
"And what about your dad?" I asked her after she had calm down a bit.
She gave off a humorless laugh, which made her sound like a crazy woman before replying
"He's even worse than her, cause he just sits there and does nothing. He's basically a bank account that follows her wim like a dumb ass. Besides he's basically married to his business." She replied rolling her eyes.
"Am so sorry. Am really sorry for what you've been through." I said sincerely.
"Its okay. Its not your fault I have parents that are shitty. I should be glad I have them, but then they only ever showed interest in me when they realized I was the only person left that they could try to control."

I was sad for her. I mean we were basically the same except she was rich and had neglectful parents while I was an orphan trying to make it.

"You know, since I came to Germany a few months ago, I've been more at peace. Except I was missing one thing and that's my sister. Which is why I was so happy when I found out that they were in Germany too. It was like fate was finally on my side."She said with a sad smile which made me frown.
"Why are you sad about it though?" I asked her.
"Because they don't know about me." She replied still with a bittersweet smile.
"What do you mean?"
"Since we cut off all ties with them, my sister's husband also decided that he'd have nothing to do with us. Me included. I tried for years to call them but i had no luck." She said with a sigh.
"Then when I came here, and an opportunity to be close to them opened, I was super duper excited but I wasn't so lucky after all."she added cryptically.
"Because you got the job." She replied with a smile, dropping the bomb on me.

Gina was the Rodriguez kids aunt. Their only connection to their mum. I couldn't believe this shit! Things just got better and better with this family didn't it?!

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