Once I arrive to school, ice coffee in hand, I see Charlotte muttering formulas under her breath.

Once she sees me, she lights up.

She hurries over to me.

"Hey Henry!" She greets.

"Hey." I say.

"Are you ready for the competition?"

"Ya." I reply.

"You don't talk much do you." She states.

"No." I reply letting a smile slip onto my face.

I quickly remember though, that she's the competition.

"Anyway's, I see you in there." I say.

"We have 4 hours to study for it, so, do you wanna go to the library?"

"Uh, ya, sure. I just need to get my things." I grunt.

I walk past her, I see her smile drop, maybe I should have been nicer. No, not now, I need to focus.

I open my locker, I pull out my notes. Just like my competition, I mutter important formulas under my breath.

I head to the library.

Time to see how much my enemy knows.

- time skip -

I head into the auditorium, coffee, a pencil and notebook in hand.

I sit at the desk on stage that says my name.

Charlotte sits across from me.

Soon when the auditorium is filled up, and the principal is on stage, I look over to Charlotte.

She mouths, "Good luck."

"You too." I mouth back.

You'll need it.

"Ok! Ladies and gentlemen! It's time for the annual Swellview High Math Bowl! Our competitors are Henry Hart and Charlotte Page, will be competing for the golden crown.
First question, what is the formula for circumference?"

I slam my hand on my bell.


"Pi times the radius squared." I say confidently.

"Correct! Point Henry."

"What is 47 times 36?" After 20 seconds of quick multiplying Charlotte slams her hand on the bell.


"Correct! Point Charlotte! What is 27 minus 30 times 12?"

"-333!" I say.

"Correct! Point Henry! What is 509 minus 99?"

"410!" Charlotte replies. 

I grumble. She's good.

Over the length of the competition, we go back and forth. Always tying the competition. It was annoying. I was always the smartest, why suddenly , does this person come up and even the battlefield?

Question. Boom. She answers.

Next question. I tie it up. It was continuing like this. We were on question 268.

More questions. More answers. More tying things up, over and over.

We had the same level of intelligence. Same personalities. Same speed. Same everything. We were perfect with each other. A matching set. Perfect friends. Perfect enemies.

More questions. More answers. More ties. Until finally-

"Ok! Ok, that's it. If we keep this up, we'll be here all night, you both win!" Our principal announces.

I look up. We win. We tied.

I look over to Charlotte. She looks over to me and mouths the words, "Meet me outside."

I nod.

"So, here you are." The principal announces handing us both a metal crown each.

"Thank you." I say, my surges of confidence from the competition, disappearing.

"Thank you." Charlotte said cheerily.

We walk off stage together and head outside.

We sit against the wall, on the ground.

"I'm sorry." I say quietly.

"Why would you be sorry?" She asks me with curiosity in her tone.

"Because instead of trying to be your friend, I was your enemy during the whole competition. I was rude and mean. So I'm sorry. Usually I'm the quiet one, the- the shy one. And it should stay that way. You wouldn't want to be friends with a guy like me anyway."

She turns her head and looks at me.

"Henry, of course I want to be friends, until the competition, we were becoming friends. Besides, I think you would be a great friend, and possibly something more." Charlotte says while resting her head on my shoulder.

I feel a rush of pride shoot through me.

I wrap my are around her shoulders.

"I'd like that." I say.

My crown tips a little at touch's hers. Somehow, this blossoms a spark in my chest.

We stay there forever. Well more like a half an hour.

But during those moments, I'd never felt so confident.

I hope that this was good. I liked writing this. This was for fayfay_27 I hope you liked it. I'm about to start a oneshot called Freezing. But I'm still taking requests, but it will after Freezing.


Henry Danger OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now