Chapter 14 part 1

Start from the beginning

The disgusting creature backs down, gurgling low in its throat and retreating into the shadows.

I take the moment to escape, rushing again towards the hut, knuckles turning white from their grip on the blades. I fight the urge to look back, listening to the thumping of the wolf's paws getting closer.

A brief burst of relief floods through me as I see Kellen's shaggy brown wolf racing in from my left. This time I turn, watching as he tackles the other wolf, knocking it down. The shock factor seems to have the best effect, since when I see them next to each other, Kellen is clearly dwarfed by the beast. His strength is by no means an equal match to the superior being beneath him.

I stop running, confusion taking over from the adrenaline rush as Kellen jumps off of the larger wolf, setting it free.

It stands, beginning to leap forward, but is stopped in its tracks.

A shimmering veil blocks the beast as it snarls at something behind me, trying to claw at whatever shield blocks it.

4 figures shadowed by the trees, each radiating power beyond my comprehension, stand confidently behind a woman, whose hand is raised and glistening. Behind them, the rather unsightly archers lay scattered on the ground, seemingly having fallen, their bodies twisted and limbs protruding in ways that can only equal death.

The woman at the front steps forward into the light, illuminating her powerful appearance more. She is a beauty to be beheld though also a fighter to be feared, with flawless mahogany skin clad only in a black warrior's dress.

She glares at the beast behind me. "Leave, Roma. You have lost this battle."

From the trees emerge Eros with Kellen's wolf by his side, followed by the twins and...


She lies in Becca's arms, though if it hadn't been for her distinctive blonde curls and button nose, I wouldn't have recognised her. She looks so frail.

"How...?" My voice squeaks.

The woman smiles warmly. "My name is Mahlia. I was on my way here when we were attacked, having passed through an enemy base unknowingly. The child was there, so we took her. It looks like we didn't take care of everyone before we left, however," she turns back to glare at the wolf. "Roma here is a betrayer. He is the one who took her. Why he would give up his cover however, is unknown."

So they weren't expecting him to just attack?

"No, we weren't. Mahlia called him a betrayer for a reason. He is notorious for being undetected," Eros says, grinning as he notices my confused frown deepen. I'm sure I didn't say that out loud.

"Child, if you have been tormenting this poor girl with that daft mind trick you better know what's coming. You might find it amusing but don't think I won't beat your ass," Mahlia tells him sternly, hand on hip as my mouth hangs open slightly. Remembering my former confusion, she turns to me. "Sweetie, I'm sorry he failed to tell you. It's a common trait of the high fey to read minds, although some like to be prats about it."

So all those times I thought I was thinking and he answered me, I was... Actually not speaking accidentally at all. Huh.

I wonder what else he's heard me think.

This could be an issue.

Suddenly the reason why they don't tell me anything about this little 'mission' becomes clear. They know I was planning to take Emily back.

For the love of God, I can't even think anymore.

As I come to this realisation, Eros smirks, giving me a sarcastic thumbs up for finally figuring it out.

For fucks sake. If he knew all along, why did he let me join them?

Rolling my eyes, I look back to the wolf as it growls again, this time at Eros. I step back again, despite knowing that he can't get to me past the veil. Even though I know I should be safe, the nausea is still settled in my stomach and I can't help but feel the danger in the air.

I look back at the dead archers, wondering what is giving me the uneasy feeling. Nobody is shooting at us now, so they must all have been killed.

The image of the gurgling creature crawls its way to the front of my mind.

They only killed the archers.

Surely Kellen would have smelt the other creatures by now.

Eros's eyes widen, obviously having heard my thoughts. He looks down to Kellen, who seems perfectly contented with rubbing his head against Alec's leg as he pets him.

I'd say he hasn't got a clue.

His joyful yips are kind of cute though.

That is, until they are interrupted by the shrill scream of one of Mahlia's accomplices, followed by a fit of coughing before they slump to their knees, revealing the axe wedged in their back at the base of their neck. The man reaches up to touch the axe, watching Mahlia hopelessly and sputtering blood.

Lips parted, I stare at the helpless man, before my wrist is tugged back.

"Becca, take Ria and Emily back to the hut. Protect them," Eros tugs me further, turning to me. "Don't do anything stupid. Protect your sister." I nod, following Becca, clutching my blades tightly.

As we near the hut, the sound of clashing weapons begins, joined by the angry growls of the wolf - Roma. I can only hope that Mahlia can hold him back; yes, the hut will protect against archers, but against a rabid werewolf?

Finally close enough, Becca throws open the door and runs inside. I attempt to follow close behind, but end up jumping back, heart racing at the sight in front of me.

The creature from before has some friends. And they somehow got inside.

Becca's eyes become purple as she holds Emily protectively, snarling. This fails to intimidate the creatures though, as they continue to back her up into a wall. The creatures are focused solely on the two girls, not even noticing me.

My grip on my blades tightens as the now familiar rush of adrenaline greets me.

I can't believe this is happening.

Author's note

I have created an insta account for anyone who is interested - it's going to have book updates (eventually) and I thought it might be good for anyone with constructive criticism who doesn't want to be swarmed by the "just appreciate the book and shut up" squad. Just DM me whenever.

That is all.

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Find me on insta @dionne_writes

Find me on insta @dionne_writes

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