Chapter 16

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At the Equestrian Rescue Aid Society, Spike, Princess Celestia, and the other members were watching the news on the TV as the news reporter named Dandy Grandeur said "And because of a courageous little filly named Sweetie Belle, Equestria's largest diamond, the Pony Devil's Eye is now in the Equestrian Jewelry Institute in Las Pegasus." As the TV screen showed an image of Sweetie Belle holding Smarty Pants as she walked out of the Manehatten orphanage with her new parents named Bright Mac and Pear Butter, Dandy Grandeur said "But, what's even more important, folks, this little orphan's dream has come true. Today, she's being adopted. And here she is with her new mother and father." As the fillies and colts outside the Manehatten orphanage sang a song, and cheered for Sweetie Belle who gave Smarty Pants to Pear Butter, and hugged Bright Mac, Barb smiled, and said "Spike, I am so happy for Sweetie Belle." "Yeah, so you might say that Sweetie Belle, uh, brought us together." Spike said. "You are a darling." Barb said as she kissed Spike's cheek, making him blush.

On the TV, Dandy Grandeur talked to Sweetie Belle who was holding onto Opalescence as he said "Sweetie Belle, you were a brave little filly to do what you did all by yourself." "Oh, I didn't do it all by myself." Sweetie Belle said. "Two dragons from the Equestrian Rescue Aid Society helped me." "Dragons?" Dandy Grandeur asked. "Equestrian Rescue Aid Society?" "Yes, they rescued me." Sweetie Belle said. "Uh, could I say hello to them?" She looked at the camera, and waved as she said "Hello, Barb! Hi, Spike!" Spike and Barb waved back as Dandy Grandeur said "You can talk to these dragons?" "All the time." Sweetie Belle said. "Dragons can talk like anypony. Didn't you know that?" As they laughed, Dandy Grandeur said "Well I didn't, but I do now, Sweetie Belle." Just then, Sunburst entered the room while holding a scroll as he said "Sorry to interrupt you, but I'm looking for Spike and Barb." "Sunburst!" Barb said. "What are you doing here?"

Sunburst flew up to Spike and Barb, and gave them the scroll as he breathlessly said "I have an urgent message for you." As they read the scroll, Barb said It's another call for help!" Spike gave the scroll to Princess Celestia, and said "Here, you're gonna need some volunteers." Barb then rasied his claw as he said "But, Barb, we just-!" She interrupted him as she said "Oh, Spike, adventure, thrills, intrigue, travel, exotic places. Oh, come on, darling, let's go!" Spike then nodded, and they took off to Manehatten Airport, unaware of the fact it was Friday the thirteenth. Then, they got on Gustave, and as they started to take off, Spike muttered "I sure wish we'd have taken the train." Then, a strong wind blew them backwards, and Gustave screamed as they fell. But, Sunburst saved Gustave, and straightened him out. He then snuggled in between Spike and Barb as they took off on their next adventure.

The end.

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