Chapter 12

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Just then, they heard Starlight Glimmer's voice say "Dr. Caballeron! Dr. Caballeron, get down here!" Dr. Caballeron ran down the stairs, and went into Starlight Glimmer's bedroom as he said "What's up Starlight? What's going on?" After he closed the door, he and Starlight Glimmer started talking as she said "Oh, shut up! High tide or not!" Sweetie Belle, Spike, and Barb looked down below as Sweetie Belle said "I bet those two are up to something. Gee, I don't wanna go down that awful black hole again." "Don't worry about that dear." Barb said. "You must hurry and get ready." "Come on. We haven't got much time." Spike said as he walked outside of the room. He looked down, and said "Sunburst? Up here!" Sunburst flew up to Spike, and said "Yes, Spike?" "We need help!" Spike said. "Go get Applejack! And hurry!" Sunburst nodded, and said "I'm on it!" He then started flying as fast as his wings. As he flew, he went past a bunch of bats that woke up, and stared at him. They then started to fly after him. He looked behind him, and screamed when he saw bats flying after him. He flew as fast as he can, and he dodged their attempts to eat him. He then flew down in the grass as on of the bats followed him. They zoomed past a spider who was working on a web, and they wrecked the web. The spider shouted in an angry manner as Sunburst found a nearby bottle, and flew inside as the bats tried to get him up to no avail.

At Applejack and Big Mac's house, Applejack and Big Mac were having a meeting with their neighbors. The neighbors were a unicorn named Twilight Sparkle, an earth pony named Pinkie Pie, an elderly earth pony named Pappy Smith, and a pegasai pony named Flash Magnus. "Are ya'll ready to help rescue that young filly?!" Applejack asked. Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Pappy Smith, and Flash Magnus cheered as they said "Yeah!" Applejack then noticed that Big Mac was fast asleep in a chair, and she woke him up by kicking him out of the chair as she said "Big Mac! On your hooves, you lazy pony!" Big Mac woke up as he said "Shucks, Applejack. Ah was just waiting for somepony to hollar charge!" "Dagnab it!" Pappy Smith said. "Let's cut the chatter, and get going!" Flash Magnus laughed a little as he said "When old Pappy Smith gets worked up, his nose get out of joint." He laughed a little again as Applejack looked out the door, and said "Take it easy, Pappy Smith. We gotta stay here till Sunburst brings word from the dragons." "If that bug doesn't get here soon, Starlight Glimmer and Dr. Caballeron will put that poor filly down the black hole again!" Pappy Smith said in a very concerned and anixous tone.

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