Chapter 13

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-The next morning-

Moments later, Starlight Glimmer, Dr. Caballeron, Snips, Snails, and Sweetie Belle had arrived at the black hole while Spike and Barb who used their necklaces to shrink to the size of a mouse earlier hid in Sweetie Belle's mane.Dr. Caballeron then glared at Sweetie Belle as he said "All right, you little filly brat. Now, you are gonna go down in that hole, and you are gonna dig till you find me the diamond. You understand that, and no sassing me!" Starlight Glimmer hugged Sweetie Belle as she said "Ah-ah-ah. Dr. Caballeron, that is no way to speak to our little Sweetie Belle." As Dr. Caballeron lowered the bucket into the entrance of the black hole, he said "What? Oh, okay, boss, okay." "Now, my dear, you're going to find the big, shiny diamond for your Auntie Starlight Glimmer, aren't you?" Starlight Glimmer asked. Sweetie Belle looked down in the black hole as she said "Smarty Pants doesn't like it down there. She's afraid. Aren't you, Smarty Pants?" "Aw, poor Smarty Pants." Starlight Glimmer mockingly said as she took Smarty Pants away from Sweetie Belle. "I'll just keep her here with me where she'll be safe."

Sweetie Belle tried reaching for Smarty Pants as she said "Give me back my Smarty Pants! She's mine, she's mine!" Starlight Glimmer pushed Sweetie Belle towards the black hole as she said "You get down there, and find the big diamond, or you'll never see Smarty Pants again!" Sweetie Belle gulped, and nodded as she got into the bucket, and said "All right, all right. I'll go." "Boss, you really got a way with foals." Dr. Caballeron said as he began lowering Sweetie Belle into the black hole. "Don't worry, Smarty Pants, I won't be gone long." Sweetie Belle said. "I'll find her old diamond." Once the bucket reached the bottom, Sweetie Belle climbed out of it while Spike and Barb got out of Sweetie Belle's mane, and turned back to their normal size. "Oh, what a dreadful, frightening place." Barb said as she looked around. "Yeah, it used to be a pony pirates cave." Sweetie Belle said. "How do you know that, Sweetie Belle?" Barb asked. Sweetie Belle pointed at a pony pirate skellington as she said "Him." Barb looked at the pony pirate skellington, and yelped in fright as she said "Oh, dear!" Spike started digging in a small treasure chest as he said "Come on, you two, let's-let's look for that diamond so we can get out of here."

"Oh, I looked in there already." Sweetie Belle said. "Starlight Glimmer doesn't want those little ones." Suddenly, they heard a loud rumbling noise as Spike said "What-What-What-What-What's that?!" They looked behind them to see a huge watering hole as Sweetie Belle said "That's where the water comes in." She shivered in fright as she said "I'm afraid to go over there." "Well, if I was a pirate, that's just where I'd hide the Pony Devil's Eye. I'll...uh...I'll-I'll go over, and check it out." He walked to the watering hole, and looked down the edge as it made a rumbling noise. He gulped as he said "C-Come to think of it, if I was a pirate, I wouldn't hide anything back there." Barb then spotted something as she said "Spike, look! I can see something! Come on, come on! Let's see what it is!" She started to run to the edge, but Spike stopped her as he said "No, no, Barb. You-You stay here. I'll see if I can find a safe way over." He climbed onto the edge on the right side of the watering hole, and he started to carefully slide across. Suddenly, the water gushed up like a geyser as Sweetie Belle and Barb dodged it. Spike was hanging on for dear life as he said "Barb!" "Oh! Hang on!" Barb said as she ran to the edge. "Help!" Spike said as he started to slip. "I'm coming!" Barb said as she grabbed Spike's claw, and pulled him up. They then made it to the other side of the watering hole.

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