Chapter 5

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-The next day-

At the Manehatten Airport, as some ponies prepare to board on big flyers, and other ponies arrived from other parts of Equestria, Spike ran with a suitcase full of stuff he packed earlier in his claw, and said "Hurry, miss Barb! Starlight Glimmer could be down at the Devil Pony's Bayou by now!" "Oh, I'm sorry!" Barb said as she ran with her suitcase full of stuff she packed earlier in her claw. "But a female dragon does have to pack a few things you know!" They got on an escalator, and it took them to a higher level where the big flyers are picking up, and dropping off ponies. They then walked up to an office, opened the door, and stepped inside. They put ther suitcases on the floor, and Spike looked at a chalkboard, and said "Flight leaves 6:45." He looked at the clock to see that it was already 7:00, and said "Oh, no! We missed the flight!" He looked at Barb, and said "Miss Barb, if you hadn't-." Barb giggled, making Spike stop talking, and said "You worry too much. You know that flights are always late." "Manehatten Airline 13 to tower." A voice said on the microphone. "Manhatten Airline 13." "Now what did I tell you, Spike?" Barb asked. "We're lucky, Spike!" Spike's face paled in fear as he said "Luck? Flight 13?" He picked up his suitcase, and said "Maybe, we'd better take the train." He stopped in his tracks when the voice said "Wake up! Dad-rad it! Someone answer down there! Get off the dime! Hello! Hello! Is anyone down there?"

Spike went up to the microphone on the desk, and said "Hello?" "Where in Equestria's name have you been you lazy knucklehead?!" The voice said. "We just got here, sir." Spike said. "See, my co-agent insisted on packing her-." The voice interrupted him, and said "Look, sir, am I clear to land? Traffic up here is thicker than fleas on a hound dog's-!"The sound of a big flyer flying by startled Spike as he hid behind a chair. "Wow! Wow! Dad-blast, you dirty road hog! Crazy! Look, one at a time, you stupid, long headed-!" The talking stopped when Spike went up from behind the chair, and turned off the radio. As Barb looked out the window, she said "What did he say, Spike?" "I wouldn't dare repeat it." Spike said. "Well, then give him the permission to land." Spike turned on the radio, and said into the microphone "Captain, you have our permission to land." "Well, it's about time, bud!" The voice said. "Look! Look, there he is!" Barb said. They both looked out the window to see a griffin named Gustave The Griffin flying towards the landing strip. "Dosen't he fly beautifully?" Barb asked. "And you wanted to take the train, you fraidy cat." "Fraidy cat?" Spike asked. "It's just that...No, I like trains. They serve hay burgers." He stopped talking when he saw Gustave going down. He gasped, and said "Pull up, pull up!"

Gustave pulled up in the nick of time, and landed a little roughly. Spike ran out of the office, and went up to Gustave who was recovering from landing as he hummed a tune. "Are you hurt, sir?" Spike asked. "Nope." Gustave said. "One of my better landings, bud." "Oh, great." Spike said as Barb ran out of the office, and went up to them. Spike looked at Barb, and said "Come on. We're gonna take the train. Play it safe." "Train? Safe?" Gustave asked feeling offended. "Listen here, buster. I'm as fit as a fiddle." "And you look simply wonderful, captain." Barb said. Gustave chuckled, and said "Aw, shucks. Just call me, Gustave, little dragon lady." "All right, all right, uh, it's most important we get to Devil Pony's Bayou." "Well, now, will you just keep your scales on?" Gustave asked as he patted Spike's head. "Flight 13 hits the wild blue yonder in five minutes."

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