Chapter 8

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As they continued their persuit for Snips, Snails, and Sweetie Belle, Barb said "Faster! Sunburst, faster!" "I'm going as fast as I can!" Sunburst said as he obeyed Barb. Then, Snips and Snails ducked under a tree branch, taking Sweetie Belle and Smarty Pants underwater. When they reached the surface, Sweetie Belle recovered, and said "You stop that, Snips!" "Be quiet, blank flank!" Snips said. As the fog started getting worse, Barb said "This fog is awful. You can't see a thing!" "Slow-Slow down, Sunburst!" Spike said as Sunburst obeyed, and struggled to catch his breath. "They gotta be here somewhere." When Snips, Snails, and Sweetie Belle were no where to be seen, Barb said "Oh, dear! We've lost them!" Spike then looked behind him, and gasped, as he said "Jehoshaphat!" Snips, Snails, and Sweetie Belle went past them, causing the water to ripple as Spike said "Hang on! Hard to port, Sunburst!" "I'm trying!" Sunburst said as he tried to keep the boat under control. "Help me, Spike!" Barb said. Suddenly, a wave of water washed over them, and Barb was thrown off the boat as she said "Help! Spike!" "Barb!" Spike said. "Hang on!" Sunburst said as he steered the boat over to Barb. Spike quickly grabbed a rope, and threw it over to Barb who grabbed it.

Spike then pulled Barb into the boat, and sudden wave crashed down on them. Spike then looked down on Sunburst as he said "Come-Come on, Sunburst! Give it all you got!" "Keep trying, Sunburst!" Barb said as the exhausted Sunburst tried to push the boat with the help from her and Spike. Sunburst then collapsed on the boat as Barb said "Poor Sunburst. Your caparator's all pooped out." "I'll be okay." Sunburst said. At the riverboat, Snips and Snails both brought Sweetie Belle and Smarty Pants inside as Dr. Caballeron said "Bring her right on in colts. Come on." Once they were inside, he smirked down at Sweetie Belle, and said "So, you tried to run away? Well, it didn't work, did it?" "Put me down, Snips!" Sweetie Belle said as Snips dropped her on the floor, and Snails dropped Smarty Pants. "Freaky little unicorn." "Nice work, good colts." Snips and Snails then got angry as they cornered Dr. Caballeron as he said "Good-good colts, whoa! Steady, colts, heel, heel!" Sweetie Belle then picked up Smarty Pants with her magic as he said "There, there, Smarty Pants. I won't let them do that to you again. Don't cry."

"Now, Smarty Pants, Smarty Pants." Dr. Caballeron said in disgust. "Poor Smarty Pants. All she ever thinks about is that simple pony doll. Now, you behave, or I'll let Snips and Snails have your pony doll!" "You will not!" Sweetie Belle said. "Besides, I'm not scared of them like you are, Dr. Caballeron!" "Oh, don't you sass me!" Dr. Caballeron said as he pushed Sweetie Belle to the stairs. "Ah, uh, colts, take this naughty little filly up to her room." "I can go by myself, thank you!" Sweetie Belle said as she walked up the stairs. At the bayou, Starlight Glimmer was searching for Sweetie Belle when Dr. Caballeron launched that said 'Got Filly', so she turned her motorboat back into the direction of the riverboat. Once Sunburst, Spike, and Barb reached the shore, Spike looked at Sunburst, and said "Stick around, Sunburst. We'll signal if we need you." "Okay." Sunburst said. Suddenly, Spike spotted the motorboat coming at them as he said "Look out! Here she comes!" They quickly ducked as the motorboat flew in the air, and landed on the shore, and made its way to the riverboat.

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