Chapter 2

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When Spike and Barb reached Manehatten, it was raining outside, and they were wearing purple raincoats, and special necklaces that allows them to shrink to the size of a mouse that was given to them by Princess Celestia. The train stopped at the Manehatten station, and Spike and Barb got off. Once the train left, Spike looked at the map of Manehatten. "Morningside Orphanage." He said looking for their location. He spotted it on the map and said "Here it is. Three blocks down, and, uh, four blocks over." Barb opened her purple umbrella, and said "Well, why don't we take the shorcut through the Manehatten Zoo?" "Uh, gee, uh, miss Barb, uh, I don't know." Spike said nervously. "I mean, it's you know, it could be risky." "Oh, come on." Barb said. "Remember, our pledge? Through storm, rain, and dark of night." "Never fail to do what's right." Spike said finishing Barb's sentence. He straightened his raincoat and rainhat, and said All right. Duty calls. As Spike whistled a tune, he and Barb began to walk to the Manehatten zoo.

When they reached their destination, Spike stopped whistling. They looked at the zoo, climbed on the gate, and looked around. Barb looked at Spike, and said "Mister Spike, um, maybe we better go back. It's so dark in there. Spike looked at the darkened area, and said "Dark? Who's afraid of the dark. Look, you stay here. I'll check it out." Spike held up his lantern, and began to walk towards the darkened area. He disappeared into the darkness, and Barb waited for something to happen. A couple of minutes later, a loud roar was heard, and Spike screamed as he ran out of the darkness, and ran past Barb. "Wait for me!" Barb yelled out. Spike then ran back to Barb, grabbed her by the claw, and they began to run. Suddenly Barb dropped her umbrella, and Spike ran back to get it. He got it, and got his lantern as he ran, but he suddenly tripped and fell. Barb ran back to Spike, and got her umbrella. The Spike grabbed his lantern, and he and Barb ran back to the entrance to the zoo. They climbed on the gate, and leaned against the wall. "How about trying three blocks down and four blocks over?" Spike asked as he took a breather from all that running. Barb looked at Spike and said "What did you do to make him so mad?" "Nothing." Spike said. "He's just a grumpy old lion. Spike opened Barb's umbrella, and placed it above their heads as Barb said "Well, after all, waking him up in the middle of the night, wouldn't you be grumpy too?" "I didn't wake him up in the middle of the night." Spike said as they began to walk three blocks down, and four blocks over to Morningside Orphanage.

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