Chapter 3

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Moments later, they arrived at Morningside Orphanage, and Spike and Barb used their necklaces to shrink to the size of a mouse. The climbed to the open window, and went inside. "All right. I'll take a look around, see what I can find." Spike said as he and Barb split up, and started to look around. Spike went up to an open closet, and spotted a box that said 'Sweetie Belle's' and 'Hold until further notice." He turned to Barb, and said "Psst. Psst. Psst. Miss-Miss Barb, over here! I found something!" Barb ran over to Spike. They climbed up the box, and looked inside. "These are Sweetie Belle's belongings." Spike said looked at the toys, and stuff. "Good work." Barb said. "Now, we're getting somewhere." They jumped in the box, and Barb said "Oh, look! The little filly's treasures!" Outside the box, a white persian cat named Opalescence heard talking, and started to wake up. "Boy, the things foals collect." Spike said looking at Sweetie Belle's stuff. "Do you think she could still be here in the orphanage?" Barb asked.

"Well, she-she can't be." Spike said. "It says on the box: Hold until further notice." "Well, maybe she's been adopted." Barb said. "No, because she would've taken these things with her." Opalescence looked down in the box, and said "Mice!" Spike and Barb looked up, and began to panic as they said "Cat!" They jumped into an open jewlery box, and Opalescence said "Now, look here, you two. If the pony folks find out that mice moved in here, I'll get kicked out, lose my job!" Spike and Barb climbed out of the box, and Barb said "Oh, don't worry, Ms. Cat. We won't be here long. And besides, we're not really mice. We are dragons." She and Spike returned to their regular size much to the suprise of Opalescence who said "Oh, good. I'm a mite too old to be chasing mice, anyway. My name is Opalescence. But, call me Opal." Spike then took out a notepad, and a pen from his small bag, as he said "Opal, could you tell us what happened to a little filly named Sweetie Belle?" "Sure I can." Opalescence said. "But you ain't gonna find her around here. The poor little thing ran away." "When was the last time you saw Sweetie Belle?" Spike asked as he started taking notes. "Was there anything unusual?" Barb asked. "Try to remember." Opalescence thought for a minute, and said "The last time I saw her, she was sitting on her bed, all alone. She looked awful sad, and so I asked her what was wrong."


It was a sunny afternoon, and Sweetie Belle was sitting on her bed, holding onto her doll named Smarty Pants while stareing out at the window sadly as Opalescence walked up to her, and said "What's wrong Sweetie Belle, honey?" "Nothing." Sweetie Belle said sadly. Opalescence climbed onto the bed, and said "Oh, come on, now. Come on. No secrets. You tell dear Opal." "Well, it was adoption day at the orphanage." Sweetie Belle said. "Well, what happened?" Opalescence asked. "A stallion and a mare came, and looked at me." Sweetie Belle said as a tear ran down her face. "But they chose the dark blue coated unicorn filly with the snow white colored mane, and a snowflake for her cutie mark. She was prettier than me." "Oh! She couldn't be!" Opalescence said. "You listen to me, darling. You're something extra special." "No, I'm not." Sweetie Belle said. "Why, someday a mama and a papa will come to the orphanage looking for a pretty little filly just like you." Sweetie Belle looked at Opalescence, and said "Honest?" Opalescence smiled, and said "I'll bet my whiskers on it. But you've got to believe it. Keep faith, sweetheart." As they looked out the window to see a blue bird in its nest, she said "Do you see that blue bird?"

Sweetie Belle looked at the bird, and said "Yes I do." "Yeah." Opalescence said."Faith is a blue bird you see from afar. It's for real, and as sure as the first evening star. You can't touch it or buy it or wrap it up tight, but it's there just the same, making things turn out right." "Can't touch it or buy it or wrap it up tight, but it's there just the same, making things turn out right." Sweetie Belle said. "But whoever adopts me has to adopt Smarty Pants too." She showed Smarty Pants to Opalescence who said "Oh, they'll love her. She doesn't eat much, does she?" Sweetie Belle giggled, and said "Oh! Here! I brought you something." She gave Opalescence two cookies. "Oh, sweet Celesita! Catnip snaps!" Opalescence said with a smile, and licked the cookies. "No, they're ginger snaps!" Sweetie Belle said through her giggles. Opalescence giggled, and said "Well, an old cat like me could use a little ginger." "I took two extra ones for lunch today." Sweetie Belle said. "We're not supposed to do that." "Well, you can trust me." Opalescence said. "I won't tattletale on you." "I love you, Opal." Sweetie Belle said smiling. "Gee, we'd better hurry, or we'll be late for supper!" She and Opalescene got off the bed, and ran to the dining hall to join the other orphans for supper.

-End Flashback-

"She seemed happy enough, but the next thing I heard, Sweetie Belle was gone." Opalescence said. "Well, aren't the police still looking for her?" Spike asked. Opalescence shook her head, and said "No. They gave up two weeks ago." "Oh, this is terrible." Barb said sadly. "That poor little filly." "I just can't believe that Sweetie Belle would run away." Spike said. "Miss Opal, please think. Now, there must be something else." Opalescence thought for a minute, and said "Well, come to think of it, there was." She then shook her head, and said "No, it's nothing. Sweetie Belle wouldn't get in with her." "Get in what?" Spike asked. "With who?" "Oh, a weird unicorn named Starlight Glimmer tried to give Sweetie Belle a ride, but she wouldn't have anything to do with trashy ponies like them." "Trashy ponies?" Barb asked. "Who?" "She and her partner named Dr. Caballeron run a sleazy pawn shop down the street." Opalescence said. "Miss Barb, we must go down there, and investigate." Spike said as he and Barb started to leave. "Suit yourself." Opalescence said. "But, you'd be wasting your time down there." "She could be in real trouble." Spike said. "We gotta find her, and help her. "Yeah, but two dragons." Opalescence said. "What can you do?"

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