Chapter 4

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After Spike and Barb left the orphanage, they walked down the street, and arrive at the pawn shop that Starlight Glimmer had owned called Starlight's Pawn Shop Boutique. They used their necklaces to shrink to the size of a mouse, went under the bars, and crawled under the wooden door. They looked around to see many pawn shop items. They ran to the counter, and crawled up to the top. They ran under the fence, and ran to a desk near by the counters. Barb spotted a red book, and looked on it. She looked at Spike, and said "Spike! A foal's book." They opened the school book, and saw Sweetie Belle's name on the front paper. "It's Sweetie Belle's!" Barb said in shock. "Then-Then she's gotta be here." Spike said. Suddenly, a cuckoo clock chimed in, making Spike and Barb scream. Spike tried to run, but the school book caught him by the tail, making him scream in pain. He pulled himself out, and Barb giggled. "Wh-What's so funny?" Spike asked. "Your tail!" Barb said through her giggles. "Here, let me help you fix it." Barb took Spike's tail, and rubbed it to sooth the pain. She then kissed on it to make it better, and said "All better." "Thanks." Spike said. "You're welcome." Barb said. Suddenly, the phone near them began to ring, startling them in the process. Spike hid in a open drawer, and Barb hid in a storage holder for mail. Barb looked at Spike who shushed her, and they both hid from sight.

Just then, an angry Starlight Glimmer walked in the room, and turned on the light as she said "Who could be ringing at this time of night?!" She maintained her posture, picked up the phone, and said "Starlight's Pawn Shop Boutique." "Hello, boss." Dr. Caballeron said talking on the other line. Starlight Glimmer smiled, and said "Dr. Caballeron! Don't tell me, doc. Let me guess!" She giggled like a filly that got a great birthday present, and said "You found it! You've found the diamond!" When she heard Dr. Caballeron telling her to give him more time, she frowned, and said "Give you time?! You blungler! You have been down there for three months!" When she heard Dr. Caballeron saying something about catching Sweetie Belle sending messages in bottles, she said "Bottles? What bottles?" Then she started to get really angry as she said "You caught Sweetie Belle sending messages in bottles?! YOU BLUNDERING FOOL! Can't you control a little filly?!" She then stomped on her hoof hard, and said "SHUT UP! I am taking the next flight down to Devil Pony's Bayou!" She slammed the phone on the table real hard, and some hoofbooks nearly crushed Barb. Starlight Glimmer took out a big suitcase, and left the room to get some stuff. Barb looked at Spike, and said "This is terrible! We've got to go with her." Spike nodded, and said "Yeah, come on. In the suitcase." He went out of the drawer, and climbed in the suitcase. Barb tried to follow, but she hid behind a stapler when Starlight Glimmer walked in the room, carrying some stuff with her magic.

As she stuffed her things into her suitcase, she muttered "Bumbling baffoon! He fouls up everything. Leave him for a few weeks, and look what happens!" She put on her purple and teal collored jacket on herself, and a purple colored fedora on her head. Barb then ran to the suitcase, and tried to climb inside, but she kept slipped, and she hid behind the suitcase as Starlight Glimmer pushed hard on it, and said "Oh, why won't this stupid thing close?!" She finally got the suitcase to close, and Barb quickly grabbed the belt of the suitcase as Starlight Glimmer picked it up with her magic. Barb tried holding on as Starlight Glimmer walked out of her pawn shop, but the dragon slipped, and fell. She ran, and quickly grabbed the belt of the suitcase as Starlight Glimmer stopped on of the taxi carriages, and said "Taxi!" "Where to miss?" The taxi pony asked. "To the Manehatten Airport. Stat!" Starlight Glimmer said as she placed the suitcase in the back of the taxi carriage. As the taxi pony started to puul the taxi carriage started to take off, Barb climbed into the suitcase with Spike. The taxi carriage nearly hit another carriage, but it moved out of the way in time as Starlight Glimmer said "Out of my way, you road hog!" Suddenly, the taxi carriage took a sharp turn, and the suitcase flew out of the back. It hit the lamppost, and the contents inside flew out, but the taxi carriage just kept going, unaware of what just happened. Spike and Barb were left wondering what to do now.

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