What?! Oh um thanks.

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~Chapter Ten~

Kimi's POV

I walked up to them with a blank face as I talked. "What?" Gai was going to pinched my cheek but slaped his hand away because I've always hated that.

"Who were those boys kimi." Ibiki had his arms folded over his chest and was looking down at me. I glared up at him.

"That is my buisness. not your's so don't worry about them. I can handle myself and you know it." I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at a tree to my left. If eyes could kill that poor tree would have burst into flames. Someone put their hand on my head. I turned to see Gai-gai. He lowered his head and smiled kindly to me.

"Kimi we know you can handle any of those boys it's just, we worry. We don't want you to get hurt in a diffrent way." He said but it seemed like he was trying to tell me something diffrent. 'Wait.. They don-OH kami!'

"You guys honsetly think that I'm interested in boys now?!" I moved Gai-gai's hand away. I mean I am interested in guys, but they don't need to know that. If they did, I'd be garded twnety-four seven. A girls gotta have her space. I looked at them in fake shock and Ibiki sighed.

"Look even if your not looking for a guy,"

"I'm not." I said emotionlessly. He continued his speach.

"Even so. That dosen't mean that boys your age arn't looking. We just want you to be prepared. We know that you can destroy any of those idiodic boys in your class five times over but you are a very beautiful girl and guys will be drawn to you. So just be alert." I was shocked. Ibiki was not the one to give out compliments just willy nilly like that and it made me smile. I hugged them both.

"Thank you. Both of you, I know you care about me and I will be alert. But give me some space you can trust, that if anything gets to the point that I can't handle it myself that I will come to you, ok?" I backed way from them and they nodded. Gai was prackticly in tears and I don't want to be here when the water works come so I say my goodbyes and teleport back to the acadamy. It was completly deserted so I sat myself down on the swing. I could faintly hear girls yelling, at eachother most-likely. I stood up and walked around the corner to find that sasuke was surounded by fangirls. I smerked and leaned my side against the wall as one of the girls boldly hugged sasukes arm. This caused the entire group to yell at her and they started fighting. Sasuke was able to back away from the crazy girls, the look on his face cause me to giggle. He looked over to me shocked but then he glared at me.

"You couldn't help me?"

"Nope! That-" I pointed twoard the group of girls that were still fighting. "Was too funny. You should have seen your face!" I giggled again as I remembered how helpless he looked. He honestly didn't know what to do with them. He came forward and flicked me in the forehead.

"Baka." I rubbed my forehead and narrowed my eyes at him. We were in the middle of a staire off when the girls finaly knoticed he was gone. He quickly grabed my hand and started running. It reminded me of when he took me to the playground. We had to run from them back then too. We went starit for a little but then he turned down an ally and jumped up to the roof. We both looked down to the girls in the ally as the searched for him.

"I thought we told that kimi girl to stay away from sasuke-kun." Ino growled at sakura.

"We did but I guess we're going to have to tell her a diffrent way." She said while cracking her knuckles. 'Who dose this bitch think she is? If she wants a fight she's got one!' I grounded my teeth together and was about to stand up but sasuke grabed my arm and shook his head.

"Let go." I wisper/growled at him. He narrowed his eyes at me and his hold tighted.

"No. She's not worth it." He wispered back. I glared at him. There was a slight pounding in my head. It was slowly getting worse but it wouldn't stop me from beating Sakura's ass.

"Sasuke. If you don't let go your going to regret it." Now the ponding in my head was throbing it was like my brain was shaking against my skull. It hurt, bad. Like really really bad. I bit my lower lip to stop myslef from screaming out. My hands shot up to my temples. I hadn't relized it but Sasuke had let go and was trying to talk but I couldn't hear him. When I tried to open my eyes it only made my headacke worse. All too soon the massive pounding in my head stoped. I opened my eyes but all I could see was black. All of a sudden I was standing at the front of the acadamy. I was looking at Naruto sitting on the same swing he was earlyer. I tried to move to him but my body wouldn't listen. Then I over heard these two ladys talking.

"Over there. Do you see him?" One of them said she had short brown hair.

"That's the boy?" The one with red hair pulled back in a ponitail asked.

"Yeah, looks like everyone else passed but him."

"Good. From what I've herd I can only imagin what he might do if he ever became a ninja. I mean he has that thing-"

"Shhh! We arn't aloud to talk about it remember!?" 'What are they talking about? What dose naruto have?' Everything went black for a second and then I found myself in a tree in the woods. I looked around with my eyes knowing that my body wouldn't listen to me. I saw Naruto, it looked like he was talking to someone. Then Iruka-sensei jumped infront of him? My head jerked to the side. There was this big shuriken coming twoard them. Next thing I know, I had pushed Naruto and Iruka-sensei out of the way and all I could feel was pain. I looked down and saw that the shuriken was deep in my abdonem.

"Kimi. How, w-why would you do that?" I looked to Naruto and smiled softly. I fell backwards and he tried to catch me. My eyes slowly closed and I felt nice and warm. The pain stoped and I felt safe. I opened my eyes to see that I was in a room. I slowly sat up and rubbed my temples. That was a weird ass dream. I herd a door open and looked to see Sasuke standing there with a cup of water.

"Where am I?" I moved the covers off of me as he walked over and handed me the cup. He sat down on the bed about arms length away.

"My room. What happened?" I sipped out of the glass. Then I turned to look at him.

"I honestly don't know. I need to go see the hokage." I began to stand but that was a bad idea. As soon as I stood up my legs felt like jello, I almost fell to the floor but Sasuke cought me just in time.

"Your not going anywhere right now." He set me down on the bed and sat down again.

"What exactly happened? You know when I was out." He looked confused but answered me anyway.

"Well, You were holding your head and you were wimpering. I kept asking you what was wrong but you wouldn't answer me. Then you kinda just passed out. I didn't know where you live so I brought you here. you've bin out for about thiry minutes." 'THIRTY MINUTES!!'

"What?!" I yelled. "Oh um thanks. For uh taking care of me." He stood up and walked to the door, I got up too. I felt better and I didn't fall this time so I started to follow Sasuke. He turned around and glared at me.

"What are you doing."

"Uh going to the hokage?"

"No." He turned around and left me there stunded. 'What? He can't tell me what to do!' I grabed the doorknob but it was locked. He actually locked me in here?! I glared at the door silently cursing that dam Uchiha to hell. I did the hand signs to teleport to the hokage but it didn't work. Guess i don't have enough chakra. I looked around and found a window. 'You give me no other choice.' I opened the window and jumped out. I landed swiftly on the ground and started to run to the hokage tower.

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