First Days Are Always The Worst part 1

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~Chapter Eight~

Kimi's POV

*Next morning*

I woke up at five thirty and jumped in the shower. I then got dressed in my short shorts, white t-shirt and my black trench coat. I grabed my black mask and went into the kitchen. There was a note on the fridge.


Sorry that I'm not home but me and my team had a mission to go on at three in the morning. Ya I know THREE IN THE MORNING!!!!! anyway I'm sorry but when I get back we can go get some dumplings yeah? 


Brother ;)

'Awww, brother loves me!' I smiled as I put the note on the table and grabed a apple from the fridge. I desided to go and train since I don't have to be at the acadamy untill seven.

I was in the middle of throwing some shuriken at a tree when someone cleared there throght. I turned around to see who it was.

"Kai-kai!!" I screamed as I hug/attacked him. He hugged me back. He was exspecting me to do this, well because I always do that when I saw him. We don't see each other offten sooo yeah aaand it was fun to do. We both gave each other closed eyes smiles.

"Hey kii, arn't you suposta be at the acadamy?" My face fell a little at the nickname my daddy gave me.

"Yeah I start today but class dosen't start till seven." He looked confused.

"Uhh kii it, umm it's seven fiffteen." My eyes grew huge.

"Dam and I wanted to be early too." I started running toward the acadamy and waved goodbye to kai-kai over my sholder.

When I made it to the acadamy I saw that it was seven twenty-two. 'HA! Only took me seven mins ta get here.' I smerked as I knoked on the class room door. It had the same numbers that were on the papper Ibiki-sensei gave me.

"Come in." Someone called on the other side of the door. I took a deep breath and fixed my mask. As I steped through the door a cupple of kids gasped and most of the boys had hearts in their eyes. 'Uhh, what the hell?' I though as I looked at the students but kept my face emotionless.

"Ahh you must be Kimi, lord hokage informed me that you would be joining my class. Hello my name is Iruka-sensei." 'I-ru-ka? Hm cool name.' I nodded as I moved my attention from the class to my new sensei. He had a cut across his nose and tan skin. He had his brown hair in a spikey ponytail. "Would you like to introduse yourself?"

"Hai sensei." I turned back to the class. "Hey, my name is Kimi Akimoto," as soon as I said that the class started to wisper. 'Aghhhh! If you have something to say, say it to my face!' I glared at these stupid kids "If you have questions just ask me. If not shut the fuck up." I herd Iruka-sensei gasp. What can I say, I hate gossiping. "As I was saying, I don't realy want to bore you guys with my life story but if you realy want to know about me, talk to me." I shrugged and looked back to Iruka-sensei. "Where should I sit?"

"Uh, lets see. You can sit by Kiba Inuzuka," 'Hmm wonder if he's cute.' I started to look over the students in the class to see if I recongized anyone, and sure enuff, I saw pinki and blondi, they were one of sasukes' biggist fan girls. 'Oh I wonder..' I was in the middle of seeing if sasuke was in my class when my thoughts were inturupted. "Kiba, will you please raise your hand so she knows where to sit." This kid with his hood up raised his hand high in the air. He was sitting in the third row two seats in. 'Dam now I would have an open seat on the other side of me.' I sighed. As I made my way up the steps everybodys eyes were on me for diffrent reasons. Some of the guys had hearts in their eyes and a cupple were drooling and mos- actualy all but one of the girls were glaring at me. 'What the fuck, I didn't even do ANYTHING!!!!' I thought as I sat down.

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