Unwanted Guest

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~Chapter Four~ 

*Kumogakure (Village hidden by clouds)*

Kimi's POV

As we enter the village daddy said that he had to go to talk to the Raikage and told vasili and me to go home.


"Come on kimi its time for you to go to sleep." Vasili said as he pushed me to my room.

"But I'm not even tired." I winned. He rolled his eyes and opened the door to my room.

"Go to sleep. Pleeease?" He gave me his puppy dog eyes.

"Bu-but," He pouted his lip. I sighed. "Fine."

He smiles,then leaves closing the door behind him. 'This is stupid! I'm not even tired!' I pouted as I start to get my pj's out to change. I head to the bathroom across from my room to brush my teeth.

"GET OUT!!" I hear vasili yell from down stairs. 'What's wrong? Who is he yelling at?' I thought as i ran down the stairs I hear a big crash. I stop in the middle of the door way of the living room. Vasili was thrown across to the opposit side of the room. I gasped as I saw blood run down the side of his face.

"Hmm..He didn't say anything about a little girl being home." I looked infront of me and tthere stood a guy with a black cloke and a katana straped across his back.

He started to walk over to me but I couldnt move. I was so scared I couldn't even scream.


Vasili's POV

I left kimi to change and go to sleep. I went down stairs to watch some t.v. As I step into the living room the front door slamed open. I press my body up agenst the wall and I conseal my chakra. The intruder came into the living room and I appeared behind him.

"Who are you and what are you doing here." I demand from the man as I press my kuni agenst his throat.

"Akimoto Vasili I presume?" The guy chuckled as he disappeared from site. I felt his presence behind me and turned around to punch him in his face. He caught it with out a problem then he twisted. I hissed as pain ran up my arm.

"I hope we got the wrong information because pulling stunts like that, kid, could get you killed. You should know better than to fight someone stronger than you." He started laughing.

I jerked my hand way from him. "GET OUT!!" I yell as I went to kick him he grabed my leg and threw me at the wall. I hit my head and I can feel blood going down the side of my face. I opened my eyes to see that he was walking to kimi. 'KIMI?! She's suposted to be upstairs!!' I jumped up and ran at him cockin back my fist.

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!!!" I punch the man in his face and he hit the wall, hard. I hear kimi gasp I look at her worried that she was hurt. but she was looking at me, well at my right arm to be exact. I look down and my entire arm was glowing with this white light. The bandages that I had covering my brith mark looked like they were bernt off. The light was radiating off of the dragon like mark on my arm. In all my life this has never happened before. My thoughts were interupted by a evil laugh.

"Damn...now I guess I can't kill you. But that dosen't meen we can't have a little fun now dose it?" And with that he came at us with his katana in hand.

Kimi's POV

I stood there as they fought. 'He said... he can't kill us? Then what is he going to do? Where's daddy?!'

"Kimi MOVE!!" Vasili yelled as he punched the guy in the face again. But it was like I couldn't understand what he was saying. My legs were stuck in fear,I didn't move from my spot. Vasili picked me up after he put the man in a trance like state. As soon as we got out of the house he stoped. There were flames everywhere and people were screaming. The entire Akimoto clan was under attack! There were enemy ninjas all over the place. Vasili ran as fast as he could.

"Where's daddy!?" I asked tears coming to my eyes.

"I don't know but we're going to find him, so don't worry." Vasili said while keeping his eyes open, looking for any sign of daddy. I was being held to his chest so I could see over his sholder. There were bodys everywhere I looked. The ninjas of the village were trying to fend off the enemy ninjas attacks.

"Vasili! Kimi! Get down!" I gasped as vasili rolled on the ground to dogde the incoming shurikin.

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