Book Two :Chapter Eight

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Akito sat in the middle of the living room and laid on his stomach. The boy's brownish-green curls fell over his eyes and blocked the child's view of the book before him. Akito blew the strands of hair from his view and continued to scan the book. The little boy was a curious one much like his father, so when he heard his grandmother mention his parent's the boy's ears perked up.

"What do you mean he's -"

The tall man in the kitchen placed a finger over his wife's lips."Keep it down," hushed the bulky man."You know we don't talk about that."

"I can't just let this blow over my head," snarled the woman."Midoryia doesn't have a normal quirk you know that."

Akito closed his book and stood up. The youngest Midoryia quietly inched himself across the carpeted floor and sneaked up to the wall by the kitchen. The freckled face child listened closely to his grandparents' conversation.

"Honey, we aren't suppose to talk about this, especially not with Akito around."

"This town had kept the truth buried ever since that night, isn't that wrong to you ?"

"People don't need to know about Izuku's past; that is somethin' he's tried to put behind him."

"Until now."

Mr. Uraraka bit the inside of his cheek at her point."If Midoryia is doin' this it's for a reason."

"Do you remember the way he looked that night ? He didn't seem human."

Akito was dumbfounded by the married couples discussion. Isn't daddy quirkless ?


The yellow grass crunched below the trio's feet. The sun blazed down on the African terrain and the heat was killing Deku and Ochaco. The man pulled the canteen from his hip and chugged down the cold water."Ahh," groaned Izuku in pleasure and before he knew it his wife had taken the cold drink from him. Izuku watched the back of Hoga as he marched and asked,"Do you know where this thing is ?"

"I believe so," answered the tall man."Can you not sense it Midoryia ?"

Izuku stopped walking and crinkled his forehead."Now that you mention it something has felt off for the past few miles."

"That's because we are nearing the fountain."


Gusui halted and put his hands on his hips. The man then studied the wide stone structure in front of him and turned around."We've made it."

"M-Made it," squeezed out Ochaco.

"Yes, this is where Midoryia will replenish his bond with my world."

Izuku ruffled his hair as he admitted,"I'm still not getting this whole world thing."

"What is there not to get about it," asked Hoga as he narrowed his eyes.

"Besides there being more than one plane of existence ?"

"When you put it like that it sounds quite complicated."

"Because it is !", cried Ochaco."It is just hard for us to wrap our mind around it."

"Truth be told Mrs. Midoryia, the land does not apply to you. However, your husband is another story; my people's power fluctuates due to many things. The biggest variable is being our connection to home, hence why Dakyoi as he called himself here was not all that dangerous."

"You keep saying he wasn't that dangerous but I watched him dominate the strongest heroes without breaking a sweat," exclaimed Izuku.

Hoga dipped his finger into the dark substance resting in the pool and rubbed his fingers together. The liquid began to emit a low magenta glow as he looked at it."If he would have been able to tap into his maximum potential than you would've died that fateful night within seconds. If I had to guess then in the past at full strength you maybe used fifteen percent of your true power."

Izuku eyes bulged in surprise and he began to worryingly pace around the flat opening they stood in."If you're telling the truth the maybe we shouldn't do this ?"

"Getting cold feet ?"

Izuku let out a distraught sigh and said,"I-It is just if I could barley control it then, how will I now ?"

"I don't know."

"What !", yelled Izuku and Ochaco in unison.

"Akupayi does strange things to the people it burns within, and doesn't affect two people the same. It has different triggers that multiply someones power, and to truly own it one must overcome those barriers inside of them."

"I always knew there was something mental about it, but that just sounds ludicrous !", laughed Deku.

"There are very few things I lack knowledge in, but one of them is emotions, and I think that is what Akupayi draws off of when in you. You are a man who battled with guilt for years and tried to fend off the dark entity your master gave to you, but in the end you conquered it. So what worries you now ?"

"Completely loosing it."

"If you do I'll kill you."

"That's not how you ease someone conscious !", hollered Ochaco.

"Maybe not, but at least I am giving the man insurance that an innocent soul will not be harmed."

Izuku bit his lip and asked himself, I don't have much of a choice do I ? 

Izuku closed his eyes and exhaled through his nose before walking up to the rectangular pool. Deku curiously glanced at the strange writing on the stone and ran his fingers across it. The green-eyed man then studied the dark purple liquid as it flowed around the pool and rippled."How do we do this ?", asked Izuku coldly. 

"You fall into the pond."

Izuku closed his eyes and put his back to the fountain. The man stood with his arms spread out, but he didn't fall back. Hoga extended a strong arm and knocked Izuku into the dark pool. The purple substance splashed in the air and doused Gusui.

"What the hell was that for !", screamed Ochaco.

"He was hesitating, so I made the decision for him." Hoga then looked into the pool and fixated on Izuku as he gritted his teeth below the high concentration of Akupayi ."Now he must endure an unmatched suffering to regain his hold on Akupayi."

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