Chapter Thirty

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Ochaco braced for impact as she saw the dark force emit, but she still stood unscathed. When the girl opened her eyes she saw Izuku flying through the air, and Dakyoi laying on the ground with a hole in his chest. The girl gagged as she looked at the man; the way his chest cavity was mutilated was unforgettable. The man's muscle was ripped to shreds and a few broken bones even protruded out the opening.

The girl looked up from the dead man, trying her best to hold her lunch in when there was a loud crash. The girl instantly took of in a sprint and winced as she pushed her injured back to its limits. The girl slid down the carter's rocky slope and right next to the dead looking boy slumped in the middle of the large hole. The girl sat on her knees and looked down at the battered boy.

Izuku's face was littered with cuts and bruises. The orbital fracture he received long ago had mostly healed, but the signs of misplaced bones were still visible to the naked eye. The girl's gaze then slowly fell down to Izuku's body, which by this point seemed to be slathered with blood. 

Uraraka moved back to the boy's face and placed both her hands around his bloodied, freckled cheeks. The girl then placed her forehead against his and tears began to stream down her rosy-cheeks. The salty tears flowed like a powerful river off her face and onto Deku's."Y-You're sti-still here, r-right Deku ?" The girl began to weep even more as Izuku didn't respond, not even with a breath."Y-You promised you wouldn't leave me," bawled the girl as she rested against the boy's still body. Ochaco sat up when her friend stayed quiet and looked down at the boy. The girl wiped away her tears and sniffled. The girl spoke in a whisper only audible to her and the boy below her."I never got to let you know how I felt Deku. you !" The girl voice lowered once again,"B-But you're gone now so you won't know all the things I adored, so I'm going to tell you while I can." Ochaco rubbed her nose before continuing her confession."W-When we first met I just wanted to be y-your friend; I had never thought about love before, all I wanted was to make money for my momma and daddy, but you changed that. You did so much for me when you didn't have to and...p-put up with all of my crap. Y-You fought so I didn't need to and you even help me feel confident when I couldn't walk. I never thought I'd tell ya this...",laughed Ochaco."But I heard what those girls were sayin' that one day when we got ice cream. It hurt when I herd their words, but then you confronted them. T-That wasn't somethin' you had to do, b-but you still did it cause you're just an amazin' person. I-I think that's the day I realized the fuzzy feelin' you give my heart was a little more than a crush." The girl looked down at the boy and began to cry more as she leaned towards him."I k-know I shouldn't do this Deku, b-but I want to you to know how I feel." The girl then pressed her soft, smooth lips against Izuku's bloody, cracked lips. 

At first there was nothing but Ochaco in the kiss, but then a hand wrapped around the back of her head. Izuku melted into the display of affection before smiling,"I thought I told you you were too beautiful to cry ? "

"D-Deku !", yelled Ochaco in joy before falling backwards on her butt.

Midoryia sat up and winced as he felt his body ache. The boy looked at the brunette across from him and gave her a tooth grin.

Ochaco stared at the boy's eyes in awe. The uneasy purple had been replaced with his beautiful, kind emerald and she knew it was Izuku, her Deku. The girl tackled the boy to the ground and began to beat on his chest."You're so stupid ! There ya went again scarrin' me !" The girl then muttered,"I-I thought I lost you Deku."

Izuku looked up at the girl with sorry eyes,"I-I have to go."

"What !"

"I can't stay here, heroes will be sent here and questioned about everything, but if I go there won't be so much....drama"

"You s-said-"

"I can't stay here."

The girl put her head into Deku's bare chest."Please, I-I can't lose you, I love you."

Deku pulled the girl closer and looked into the clearing night sky in shock,"Y-You can't love me, everything I love dies Uraraka."

"I don't care about that !" The girl looked down at Izuku with her chocolate eyes."I can't control my heart Izuku, it made its decision and nothin' will ever change how I feel about you.  At first I wanted to be mad at you for killin' that evil man, but I know why ya did it. You wanted to keep me and everyone else here safe, and I'd be a bad friend if I hated you for somethin' like that."

Izuku wrapped his arms around Ochaco's back and pulled her into a tight embrace."You're the only thing keeping me sane." The boy then nuzzled his head into the girl's silky hair.


The pair walked out of the hole with Izuku's arm slung over the girl's shoulder. The boy limped as the girl assisted him across the road, but they stopped at where him and Dakyoi's epic battle ended. And when the boy looked down all he saw was a dark residue where the man's dead body should have laid lifelessly on the wet road.

End of Book One

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